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REPORT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON BUSINESS PROCESS FOR GST ON GST RETURN Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers New Delhi October, 2015 2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………. 4 2. Periodicity of Return Filing ………………………………………………………………………...….……… 6 3. Monthly Return ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9 3.1. Components of valid GST Return for Outward Supplies made by the Taxpayer (GSTR-1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 9 3.2. Components of valid GST Return for Inward Supplies received by the Taxpayer (GSTR-2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 3.3 Components of valid GST Return (GSTR-3) ……………………………………………..………….... 15 3.4 Quarterly Return for compounding Taxpayer (GSTR-4) ………………………………….……….19 3.5 Non-resident foreign taxpayers (GSTR-5) ………………………………………………………….….. 19 3.6 Components of a valid ISD Return (GSTR-6) …………………………………………………….….. 20 3.7 Components of a valid TDS Return (GSTR-7) ……………………………………….……..………… 21 3.8 Steps for Return Filing …………………………………………………………………………………………. 21 3.9 Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………………….………………… 23 3.10 Contents of Invoice level information ………………………………………….…………………..…… 24 3.11 Where will the taxpayer file Return? ……………………………………………………………….……. 30 3.12 Revision of Return ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 33 3.13 Non-filing, late-filing and short filing of return ……………………………………………………… 34 4. Return of Casual/Non-Resident Taxpayers …………………………………………………..……….. 35 5. Annual Return (GSTR-8) …………………………………………………………………………………….. 36 6. Processing of Return ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 37 7. Annexures I: List of participants in the meeting held on 09th October, 2015 …………………..…….…… 39 II: Form GSTR-1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………….… 41 III: Form GSTR-2 …………………………………………………………..…………………………………… 45 3 IV: Form GSTR-3 ………………………………………………………………………………………..……… 49 V: Form GSTR-4 …………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 58 VI: Form GSTR-5 …..…………………………………………………………………………………………… 61 VII: Form GSTR-6 …….………………………………………………………………………………………… 63 VIII: Form GSTR-7 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 65 IX: Form GSTR-8 …..…………………………………………………………………………………………… 66 4 1. Introduction 1.1 During the Empowered Committee meeting held on 10th March, 2014, it was decided that a Joint Committee under the co-convenership of the Additional Secretary (Revenue), Government of India and the Member Secretary, Empowered Committee should be constituted to look into the Report of the Sub-Group-I on Business Processes for GST and make suitable recommendations for Registration and Return to the Empowered Committee. It was also decided that the Joint Committee should also keep in view the Registration and Return requirements necessary for IGST Model. Accordingly, a Joint Committee, in consultation with the Government of India, was constituted on 7th April, 2014. 1.2 The Committee held its deliberations on 28th October, 2014, 12th November, 2014, 25th November, 2014, 22nd December, 2014, 2nd and 3rd February, 2015, 19th and 20th February, 2015, 16th and 17th April 2015,7th and 8th July,2015, 22ndand 23rd July, 2015 and 9th October, 2015. The list of the participants of the last meeting of the Committee held on 9th October, 2015 is appended. (Annexure-I) 1.3 A r e tur n is a s tate m e nt of spe c ifie d par t ic ular s r e lating to b usine s s ac tivity unde r take n by the taxable pe r son d ur ing a pr e sc r ibe d pe r iod. A taxable pe r son has a le gal obl igation: (i) To de c lar e his tax liab ility for a give n pe r iod in t he r e tur n; (ii) F ur nish de tail s about t he taxe s paid in ac c or danc e with that r e tur n; and (iii) F ile c or r e c t and c omple te r e tur n within stip ulate d time fr ame . 5 1.4 G S T is a se lf-asse sse d de stination ba se d taxation syste m . The sub m ission and pr oc e ssing of r e tur n is an impor tant link be twe e n the taxpaye r and tax administr ation as it i s an impor tant tool for : (i) Complianc e ve r ific ati on pr ogr am of tax ad ministr ation; (ii) Pr oviding ne c e ssar y i nputs for taking polic y de c ision; (iii) M anage me nt of audit and anti-e vasio n pr og r ams of tax admini str ation; (iv) F inaliz ation of t he t ax liabilitie s of the taxpaye r within stip ulate d pe r iod of limitat ion. 1.5 This doc ume nt list s out the salie nt a spe c ts of the pr oc e ss r e l ate d to filing of G S T r e tur ns. 1.6 The r e will be c ommon e-r e tur n for CG S T, S G S T, IG S T and Add itional Tax. Who needs to file Return in GST regime? 1.7 Eve r y r e giste r e d pe r son is r e quir e d to file a re tur n for the pr esc r ibe d tax pe r iod. A r e tur n n e e ds to be file d e ve n i f the r e is no bu sine ss ac tivity (i.e . N il Re tur n) dur ing the said tax pe r iod of r e tur n. 1.8 UN age nc ie s e tc. will have unique G S T ID and will file r e tur n for the month (in simple r for m) dur ing whic h the y make pur c hase s. The y would not be r e quir e d to file r e gular r e tur n. Th e y would s ubmit th e ir pur c hase state me nts (wi thout p ur c hase invoic e s) as pe r the pe r iodic ity pr e sc r ibe d for c laim of r e fund . 6 1.9 G ove r nme nt e ntitie s / PS U s , e tc . not de alin g in G S T sup plie s or p e r sons e xc lusive ly de aling in e xe mpte d / N il r ate d / non –G S T goods or se r vic e s would ne ithe r be r e quir e d to obtain re gistr ation nor r e quir e d to file r e tur ns unde r the G S T law. Howe ve r , S tate tax author itie s may assign De par tme ntal ID to suc h gove r nme nt de par tme nts/ PS U s / othe r pe r sons. T he y will ask t he supplie r s to quo te the De par tme nt ID in the supply invoic e s for a ll inte r-S tate pur c hase s be ing made to the m. Suc h s uppli e s will be at par with B2C sup plie s and will be gove r ne d by r e le vant pr ovisions r e lating to B2C s uppl ie s. 2. Periodicity of Return Filing 2 .1 Common pe r iodic ity of r e tur ns for a c lass of taxpaye r s wo uld be e nfor c e d. The r e will be dif fe r e nt fr e que nc y for fi lin g of r e tur ns for dif fe r e nt c lass o f taxpaye r s, afte r paym e nt of due tax, e ithe r pr ior to or at the ti me of fili ng r e tur n. The r e tur n c an be file d without pay me nt of se lf-a sse s se d tax as pe r the r e tur n but suc h r e tur n would be tr e ate d as an invalid r e tur n and would not be take n into c onside r ation for matc hing of invoic e s and for inte r-gove r nme ntal fund se ttle me nt amo ng S tate s an d the Ce ntr e . The pe r iodic ity of r e tur n for diffe r e nt c ate gor ie s of taxpaye r s is as follow s: S. No. Return / Ledger For To be filed by 1 GSTR 1 Outward supplies made by taxpayer (other than compounding taxpayer and ISD) 10th of the next month 2 GSTR 2 Inward supplies received by a taxpayer (other than a compounding taxpayer and 15thof the next month 7 ISD) 3 GSTR 3 Monthly return (other than compounding taxpayer and ISD) 20thof the next month 4 GSTR 4 Quarterly return for compounding Taxpayer 18thof the month next to quarter 5 GSTR 5 Periodic return by Non-Resident Foreign Taxpayer Last day of registration 6 GSTR 6 Return for Input Service Distributor (ISD) 15th of the next month 7 GSTR 7 Return for Tax Deducted at Source 10th of the next month 8 GSTR 8 Annual Return By 31st December of next FY 9 ITC Ledger of taxpayer Continuous 10 Cash Ledger of taxpayer Continuous 11 Tax ledger of taxpayer Continuous 2.2 Othe r i mpor tant p oints r e lating to pe r io dic ity of r e tur n f iling ar e as unde r :- (i) N or mal / Re gular tax paye r s (inc luding c a s ual taxpaye r s) would have to file G S TR-1 (de tails of outwar d supplie s) (Anne xur e-II), G S TR-2 (de tails of inwar d supplie s) (Anne xur e-III) and G S TR-3 (monthly Re tur n) (Anne xur e-IV) for e ac h r e gistr ation. (ii) N or mal / Re gular taxpaye r s with mul tipl e r e gistr ations (for b usine s s ve r tic als) within a S tate would have to file G S TR-1, G S TR-2 and G S TR-3 for e ac h of the r e gistr ations se par ate ly. (iii) Compoundi ng taxpay e r s would have to fil e a quar te r ly r e tur n c alle d G S TR-4 (Anne xur e-V). (iv) Taxpaye r s othe r wise e ligible for the c ompounding sc he me c an opt against the c ompoun ding and file monthl y r e tur ns and the r e by make the ir supplie s e ligible for ITC in ha nds of t h e pur c hase r s. (v) Casual/ Non - Resident Taxpayers (other than foreigners) would have to file GSTR-1, GSTR-2 and GSTR-3 returns for the period for which they have obtained registration. The registration of Casual/Non –Resident taxpayers will be done in the same manner as that of Normal / Regular taxpayers. 8 (vi) Non- Resident Taxpayers (foreigners) would be required to file GSTR-5 return for the period for which they have obtained registration within a period of seven days after the date of expiry of registration. In case registration period is for more than one month, monthly return(s) would be filed and thereafter return for remaining period would be filed within a period of seven days as stated earlier. For these taxpayers the registration format to be used will be the same as that for UN Bodies/Embassies (Annexure-VI]. (vii) Annual r e tur n (G S TR-8) (Anne xur e-IX) w ill be file d by all no r mal / r e gular taxpaye r s. It will be base d on f inan c ial r e c or ds. (viii) Compoundi ng taxpay e r will also file a simp le annual r e tur n. (ix) Cut-of f date for filin g of de tails of o utwar d supplie s (G S TR-1), inwar d supplie s (G S TR-2) an d M onthly r e tur n (G STR-3) would be10th, 15th and 20th day r e spe c tive ly of the suc c e e ding mo nth for all M onthly fil e r s. (x) Cut-of f date for filing of Quar te r ly r e tur n (G S TR-4) by c ompounding taxpaye r would be 18thday of the fir st mont h of t he s uc c e e ding q uar te r. (xi) Cut-of f date for fi li ng of In put S e r vic e Distr ibutor r e tur n (G S TR-6) (Anne xur e-VII) would be 15th day of the suc c e e ding month. (xii) Cut-of f date for filing of TDS (Tax De duc te d at S our c e ) r e tur n (G S TR-7) (Anne xur e-VII I) by Tax De duc tor would be 10th day of the suc c e e ding month. (xiii) F or Annual r e tur n, t h e c ut-off date wo uld be 31st De c e mbe r following the e nd of the financ i al ye ar for whic h it is file d. (xiv) The filing o f r e tur n would be only t hr oug h online mo de althou gh the fac ility of o ffline ge ne r ation and pr e par ation of r e tur ns wo uld be pr ovide d. The r e tur ns pr e par e d in of fli ne mode would have to be uploade d. 9 3. Monthly Return: Ther e would be se par ate r e tur ns for the outwar d supplie s , inwar d supp lie s and a c onsolidate d r e tur n base d on these two r e tur ns. Be side s t hat, t he r e would be se par ate r e tur ns for t he Inp ut S e r vic e Distr ibutor s, non-r e side nt taxpaye r s (for e igne r s) and Tax De duc tor s. The c ompone nts of e ac h of the se r e tur n is be i n g disc u sse d he r e unde r : 3.1. Components of valid GST Return for Outward Supplies made by the Taxpayer (GSTR-1): 3.1.1 Thi s r e tur n for m would c aptur e t he fol lowing infor matio n: 1. Basic de tails of the Ta xpaye r i.e . N ame alon g with G S TIN 2. Pe r iod to whic h t he R e tur n pe r tains 3. G r oss Tur nove r of the Taxpaye r in the pr e vious F inanc ial Ye ar. This infor mation would be submitte d by the tax paye r s only in the fir st ye ar and will be auto-populate d in subse q ue nt ye ar s. 4. F inal invoic e-le ve l supply infor mation pe r t aining to the tax pe r i od se par ate ly for goods and se r vic e s: (i) F or all B2B supplie s ( whe the r inte r-state or intr a-state ), invoic e le ve l spe c ifie d de tails will b e uploade d. (ii) F or all inte r-state B2C s upplie s (i n c luding to non-r e g iste r e d G ove r nme nt e ntitie s, Consu me r / pe r son d ealing in e xe mpte d / N IL r ate d / non G S T good s or se r vic e s), the su pplie r s will upload in voic e le ve l de tails in re spe c t of e ver y invoic e whose value is mor e than Rs. 2,50,0 00/-. F or invoic e s be low this value , S tate-wise summar y of supply state me nt wil l be file d c ove r ing tho se invoic e s whe r e the r e is 10 addr e ss on r e c or d. T he addr e ss of the b u ye r has to be manda tor ily r e fle c te d in e ve r y invoic e having a value of Rs. 50,000/- or mor e . (Model GST Law may provide for such a provision). Invoic e s for a value le ss than Rs. 50, 000/- that do not have addr e ss on re c or d will be tr e ate d as intr a-state supply. In othe r wor ds, S tate-wise sum ma r y of inte r-S tate supply wo uld be f ile d c ove r ing (a) those i nvoic e s val ue of whic h is le ss than Rs. 50000/- and whe r e addr e ss is on r e c or d and (b) those invoic e s whose value is be twe e n Rs. 5 0000/- to R s. 2 5000 0/-. (iii) The r e c omme ndation of the Co mmitte e on IG S T and G S T on Im por ts with r e spe c t to the d e tails about H S N c ode for goods and Ac c ounting c ode for se r vice s to be c aptur e d in an invoic e have be e n ac ce pte d with c e r tain modific ations. The de tails pr opose d by this Co mmitte e ar e as follows:- a) H S N c ode (4-digit) for G oods and Ac c ounting Code s for S e r vic e s will be mandator y initially for all taxpaye r s with tur nove r in the pr e c e ding financ ial ye ar above Rs. 5 Crore (F or the fir st ye ar of ope r ations of G S T, se l f-de c lar ation of tur nove r of pr e vious financ ial ye ar will be take n as the basis a s all India t ur nove r data will not be available in the fir s t ye ar . F r om the 2nd ye ar onwar ds, tur nove r of pr e vious financ ial ye ar unde r G S T will be use d for satisfying t his c ondition). b) F or taxpaye r s with tur nove r be twee n Rs 1.5 Cr or e s and Rs 5 Cr or e s in the pr e c e ding financ ial ye ar , H S N code s may be spe c ifie d only at 11 2-digit c hapte r le ve l as an optional e xerc ise to star t with. F rom se c ond ye ar of G S T ope r ations, me ntioning 2-digit c hapte r le ve l H SN Code will be mandato r y for all taxpaye r s with tur nove r in pr e vious financ ial ye ar be twe e n Rs . 1. 5 Cr or e s and R s. 5 .0 Cr or e s. c) Any taxpaye r , ir r e spe c tive of his tur nove r , may use H S N c ode at 6- digit or 8-d igit le ve l i f he so de sir e s. d) To star t with, c ompo unding de ale r s may not be r e quir e d to spec ify H S N at 2-digit le ve l also. e) Pr e sc r ibe d Ac c ounting c ode will be mandator y for those se r vice s for whic h Plac e of S uppl y Rule s ar e de pe nde nt on natur e of se r vic e s to apply the de s tination pr inc iple , ir r e spe c tive of tur nove r . f) H S N Code s at 8-digit le ve l and Ac c ounting Code s for se r vic e s wil l be mandator y in c ase o f e xpor ts and i mpor ts. (iv) The above par ame ter s with r e spe c t to H S N c ode for goods and Ac c ounting Code for se r vic e s will apply fo r submitting the in for mation in r e tur n r e lating to re le vant invoic e le ve l infor mation for B2B s upplie s (both intr a-state and inte r-state ) and inte r-state B2C su pplie s (whe r e taxable value pe r invoic e is mor e than Rs. 2.5 lakhs). It is pr opo se d that in the r e tur n for m the de sc r iption of goods and se r vic e s may not be r e quir e d to be submitte d by the taxpaye r as the same will be ide ntifie d thr ough the subm is sio n of H S N c ode for goods and Ac c ounti ng Co de for se r vic e s. In or de r to diffe r e ntiate be twe e n the H S N c ode and the S e r vice Ac c ounting Code (S AC), t he latte r will be pr e fixe d with “ s” . The taxpaye r s who have t ur nove r be low the li mit of Rs. 1. 5 Cr or e will have 12 to me ntion the de sc r iption of goods/ se r vic e , as the c ase may be , whe r e ve r applic able . (v) F or all Intr a-S tate B2C supplie s (in c luding to non-r e giste r e d G ove r nme nt e ntitie s, c onsume r / pe r son de aling in e xe mpte d / N I L r ate d / non G S T good s or se r vic e s), c onsolidate d s ale s (supp ly) de tails will be uploade d. However a dealer may at his option furnish invoice wise information in respect of exempted and nil rated supplies also. (vi) The supply information will also have details relating to the Place of Supply in order to identify the destination state as per the Place of Supply Rules where it is different from the location of the recipient. (vii) Details relating to supplies attracting Reverse charge will also be submitted 5. Details relating to advance received against a supply to be made in future will be submitted in accordance with the Point of Taxation Rules as framed in the GST law. 6. De tails r e lating to taxe s alr e ady paid on a dvanc e r e c e ipts for whic h invoic e s ar e issue d i n the c ur r e nt tax pe r iod wil l be submitte d. 7. De tails r e lating to supplie s e xpor te d (inc luding de e me d e xpor ts) both on payme nt of IG S T as w e ll as wit hout payme n t of IG S T wo uld be su bmitte d. 8. The r e will be a se par ate table for submitti ng the de tails of r e vision s in r e lation to the outwar d suppl y invoic e s pe r taining to pr e vious tax pe r iods. Thi s will inc lude the de tails of Cr e dit/ De bit N ote issue d by the s upp lie r s and the diffe r e ntial value impac t and the c onc omitant tax payable or r e fund/ tax c r e dit sought. 13 9. T h ere w i l l b e a s ep a rat e t a b l e f o r ef f ecti n g m o d i f i c at i o ns / c o rrec t ing erro rs i n t h e ret u rn s s ub m it t ed ea rl i er. T h e t i m e p eri o d f o r c o rrec t i n g t h es e erro rs w i l l b e p ro v i d ed i n t h e GS T L a w . 10. The r e will be a se par ate table for submitt i ng de tails in r e lation to N IL r ate d, Exe mpte d and N on G S T outwar d s upplie s to ( both inte r-state an d intr a-state ) to r e giste r e d taxpaye r s and c onsume r s . 3 . 1. 2 T h e ret u rn (GS T R-1 ) w o u l d b e fi l ed b y th e 1 0th o f th e s u c c eed in g m o n th . L a t e f i l i n g w ou l d b e p erm i t t ed o n p a ym en t o f l at e f ees o n l y . 3.2. Components of valid GST Return for Inward Supplies received by the Taxpayer (GSTR-2): 3.2.1 Thi s r e tur n for m would c aptur e t he fol lowing infor matio n: 1. Basic de tails of the Ta xpaye r i.e . N ame alon g with G S TIN 2. Pe r iod to whic h t he R e tur n pe r tains 3. F inal invoic e-le ve l inwar d supply infor mation pe r taining to the tax pe r iod for goods and se r vic e s se par ate ly 4. The infor mation sub mitte d in G S TR-1 by the Counte r par ty S u pplie r of the taxpaye r will be auto populate d in the c on c e r ne d table s of G S TR-2. The same may be modifie d i.e . adde d or de le te d by the Taxpaye r while filing the G S TR-2. The r e c ipie nt would be pe r mitte d to add invoic e s (not uplo ade d by the c ounte r par ty supplie r ) if he is in posse ssio n of invoic e s and hav e r e c e ive d the goods or se r vic e s. 14 5. The r e will be se par ate table s for submitting de tails r e lating to impor t of G oods/ Capital G oods fr om outside Ind ia and for the se r vic e s r e c e ive d fr om outside I ndia. 6. The de tails of inwar d supplie s would be a uto-populate d i n the ITC le dge r of the taxpaye r on submission of h is r e tur n. T he taxpaye r will se le ct the invoic e de tails r e gar ding the in-e ligibili ty and e ligibility of ITC in r e lation to the se inwar d suppl ie s and t he quantum available in a par tic ular tax pe r iod. 7. The r e will be a se par ate table for submittin g de tails in r e lation to ITC r e c e ive d on an invoic e o n whic h par tial c r e dit has be e n availe d e ar lie r . 8. In r e spe c t of c apital goods, the r e will b e a fie ld to c aptur e appr opr iate infor mation r e gar ding availme nt of ITC ov e r a pe r iod (to be prescribed in GST Law in terms of duration and number of installments) fr om the date of ac c ountal of c apital g oods in the taxpaye r ’s books of ac c ounts. [GST Law may provide that Input credit pertaining to Capital Goods will be allowed to be availed over a period of 2 years in two equal installments] 9. In r e spe c t of inputs, the r e c an be two situations. If inp uts ar e r ec e ive d in one lot, the ITC will be give n in the r e tur n pe r iod in whic h the pur c hase is r e c or de d in the books of ac c ounts. In c ase inputs c ove r e d unde r one invoic e ar e r ec e ive d in mor e than one instanc e / lot, the ITC will be give n in the r e tur n pe r iod in whic h the l ast pur c hase i s r e c or de d in the book s of a c c ounts. (GST Law to contain appropriate provision in this regard). A note in this r e gar d has be e n inc or por ate d in t he Re tur n for m for the guidanc e of t he taxp aye r . 15 10. The r e will be a se par ate table for submitti ng the de tails of r e vision s in r e lation to inwar d sup ply inv oic e s pe r taining to pr e vious tax pe r iods (in c luding pos t pur c hase disc ount s r e c e ive d). This will inc l ude the de tails of Cr e dit/ De bit N ote issue d by the suppl ie r s and the dif fe r e ntial value impac t and c on c omitant tax payable or r e fund/ tax c r e dit sought. 11. T h ere w i l l b e a s ep a rat e t a b l e f o r ef f ect i n g m o d i f i c at i o ns / c o rrec t ing erro rs i n t h e ret u rn s s ub m it t ed ea rl i er. T h e t i m e p eri o d f o r c o rrec t i n g t h es e erro rs w i l l b e p ro v i d ed i n t h e GS T L a w . 12. The r e will be a se par ate table for submitt i ng de tails in r e lation to N IL r ate d, Exe mpte d and N on GS T inwar d S upplie s ( Both Inte r-S tate and Intr a-S tate ) inc luding those r e c e ive d fr om c ompounding taxpaye r s and unr e giste r e d de ale r s. 13. The r e will be a se par ate table for the IS D c r e dit r e c e ive d by the ta xpaye r. 14. The r e would be a se par ate table for TDS Cr e dit r e c e ive d by the tax paye r . 3.2.2 Au to Populati on in t his r e tur n fr om G S TR-1 will be do ne on or afte r 11th of the suc c e e ding month . Addition or De le tion of the invoic e by the taxpaye r will be pe r mitte d be twe e n 12th and 15th of the suc c e e ding month. Adj us tme nts would be pe r mitte d on 16th and 17th of t he suc c e e din g month . 3.2.3 The r e tur n (G S TR-2) would be file d by 1 7th of the suc c e e ding month . Late filing wou ld be pe r mi tte d on payme nt of lat e fe e s only. 3.3. Components of valid GST Return (GSTR-3): 3.3.1 The G S T M onthl y Re tur n for m wo uld c aptur e the following infor mation: 16 1. Basic de tails of the Ta xpaye r i.e . N ame and Addr e ss alo ng with G S TIN 2. Pe r iod to whic h t he R e tur n pe r tains 3. Tur nove r De tails inc luding G r oss Tur n ove r , Expor t Tur nove r , Exe mpte d Dome stic Tur nove r , N il Rate d Dome stic Tur nove r , N on G S T Tur nove r and N e t Taxable Tur nove r 4. F inal aggr e gate le ve l outwar d and inwar d supply infor matio n. T he se de tails will be auto populate d fr om G S TR-1 and G S TR-2. 5. The r e will be se par ate table s for c alc ulat ing tax amo unts on outwar d and inwar d suppl ie s ba se d on t he infor matio n c ontaine d in var ious table s i n the G S TR-3 r e tur n. 6. The r e will be a se par ate table for c aptur ing the TDS cr e dit r ec e ived and whic h has be e n c r e dite d to h is c ash le dge r (the de duc te e ). 7. Tax liability unde r CG S T, S G S T, IG S T and Ad ditional Tax. 8. De tails r e gar ding r evision of invoic e s r e lati ng to outwar d and in war d supplie s (as pe r de tails in par a 3. 1.1 a nd 3 .2.2 abov e) 9. De tails of o the r liabili tie s (i.e . Inte r e st, Pe nalty, F e e, othe r s e tc .). 10. Infor mation about I TC le dge r , Cash le dg e r and Liability le dg e r (the se ar e r unning e le c tr onic le dge r s maintaine d o n the dashboar d of taxpaye r by G S TN). The se would be update d in r e al time on an ac tivity in c onne c tion with the se le dge r s by the taxpaye r . Both the ITC le dge r and the c ash le dge r will be utiliz e d by the taxpay e r for disc har ging th e tax liabilitie s o f the r e tur ns and 17 othe r s. De tails in the se le dge r s will ge t auto populate d fr om pr e vious tax pe r iod r e tur n (ir r e spec tive of mode of fili ng r e tur n i.e . on line / of f line utility) 11. De tails of IT C ut iliz e d against tax liability o f CG S T, S G S T and IG S T on su pplie s of goods and se r vic e s. 12. N e t tax payable unde r CGS T, S G S T, IG S T an d Additio nal Tax. 13. De tails of the payme n t of tax unde r var ious tax he ads of CG S T, S G S T, IG S T and Additional Tax se pa r ate ly would be populate d fr om the de bit e ntr y in Cr e dit/Cash le dge r. GST Law may have provision for maintaining four head wise account for CGST, SGST, IGST and Additional tax and at associated minor heads for interest, penalty, fee and others. Exc e ss payme nt, if any, will be c ar r ie d for war d to the ne xt r e tur n pe r iod. The taxpaye r will have the option of c laiming r e fund of e xc e ss payme nt thr ough the r e turn for whic h appr opr iate fie ld will be pr ovide d in t he r e tur n for m. T he r e tur n for m would display all bank ac c ount numbe r s me nt ion e d in the r e gistr ation, out of whic h one will be se le c te d b y the taxpaye r to wh ic h the r e fund will be c r e dite d. 14. De tails of ot he r payme nts - Inte r e st/ Pe nalti e s/F e e /Othe r s, e tc . This will be auto populate d fr om the De bit e ntr y in Cash le dge r irr e spe c tive of mode of filing i.e . online / offl ine uti lity. 15. De tails of ITC bala nc e (CG S T, S G S T and IG ST) at the end of the tax period will be auto-populated in the ITC ledger irrespective of mode of filing return. In case of net exporter or taxpayers dealing with inverted duty str uc tur e or similar othe r c ase s , w he r e input tax c r e dit is gr e ate r than outp u t tax due o n supply, the taxpaye r would be e ligible for r e fund. The r e tur n would have a 18 fie ld to e nable the ta x paye r to c laim the r e fund or to c ar r y fo r war d the ITC balanc e (CG S T, S G S T and IG S T). The r e t ur n for m should dis play all bank ac c ount numbe r s me ntione d in the r e gist r ation, out of whic h one will be se le c te d by the taxpaye r to whic h the r e fund will be c r e dite d. To begin with GST law may provide that the refund will be processed quarterly. 16. De tails of c ash balanc e (CG S T, SG S T, IG ST and Additional tax) in pe r sonal le dge r at the e nd of t he tax pe r iod (thi s wi ll be auto pop ulate d i r r e spe c tive of mode of fi ling r e tur n) . 17. Infor mation r e gar ding quantity of goods (as pe r U nique Quantity Code ) supplie d will not be c ontaine d in the m onthly r e tur n. H owe ve r , the same would be sub mitte d by the taxpaye r in t he annual r e tur n. ( GST Law may contain appropriate provision in this regard). The for mat of the annual r e tur n would have a suitable fie ld for thi s pur pose . 3.3.2 The r e tur n (G S TR-3) would be e nti r e ly auto- populate d thr ough G S TR-1 (of c ounte r par ty supp lie r s), own G S TR-2, I S D r e tur n (G S TR-6) (of Inp ut S e r vic e Distr ibutor ), TDS r e t ur n (G S TR-7) (of c ou nte r par ty de duc tor ), own ITC Le dge r , own c ash le dge r , own Tax Liability le dger . H owe ver , the taxpaye r may fill the missi ng de tail s to be gin with. 3.3.3 The r e tur n wo uld be pe r mitte d to be file d both on onl ine a nd offli ne mode . In c ase of offline mode , payme nt by de bit to c ash / ITC le dge r c an be done at an e ar lie r date also and suc h de bit e ntr y numbe r would be ve r ifie d at the time of uploading of the r e tu r n. In onl ine mode , both de biting a nd fili ng c an be done simultane ou sly. 19 3.3.4 The r e tur n w ould be file d by 2 0th of the suc c e e ding m onth. Late filing would be pe r mitted o n payme nt o f late fe e s only. 3.4 Quarterly Return for compounding Taxpayers (GSTR-4): 3.4.1 After crossing the threshold exemption limit, the taxpayers may opt for compounding scheme wherein they would be required to pay taxes at fixed rate without any ITC facilities. Such taxpayers would be required to file a simplified quarterly return (GSTR-4) as per the format prescribed. In this return the taxpayer is only required to indicate the total value of supply made during the period of return and the tax paid at the compounding rate along with the details of payment of tax in the return. The compounding taxpayer will also need to declare invoice-level purchase information (auto-drafted from supply invoice information uploaded by counter-party taxpayers) for the purchases from normal taxpayers. The Compounding taxpayer will also be required to submit details of the goods and services imported from outside India. The Compounding taxpayers would be allowed to export supplies outside India. GST Law may provide for suitable provisions with respect to the eligibility of such taxpayers to purchase only tax paid supplies and that they can make purchases from unregistered suppliers on payment of GST on reverse charge basis. 3.5 Non-Resident Foreign Taxpayers (GSTR-5): 3.5.1 N on-Re side nt for e ign taxpaye r s would be r e quire d to file G S TR-5 for the pe r iod for whic h the y have obtaine d r e gis tr ation within a pe r iod of se ve n days afte r the date of e xpir y of r e gistr ation. I n c a se r e gistr ation pe r iod is for mor e than one month, mon thly r e tur n(s) would be file d and t he r e afte r r e turn for r e maining pe r iod would be fi le d within a pe r iod of se ve n days a s s tate d e ar lie r . 20 3.6 Components of a valid ISD Return (GSTR-6): 3.6.1 This return form would capture the following information: 1. Basic de tails of the Ta xpaye r i.e . N ame alon g with G S TIN 2. Pe r iod to whic h t he R e tur n pe r tains 3. F inal invoic e-le ve l in war d supply in for mation pe r taining to th e tax pe r iod se par ate ly for goods and se r vic e s on whic h the ITC is be ing c laime d. This will be auto populate d on the basi s of G S TR-1 file d by the Counte r p ar ty S upplie r of the taxpaye r . The same may be modifie d i.e . adde d or dele te d by the Taxpaye r while filing the IS D r e tur n. The r ec ipie nt would be pe r mitte d to add invoic e s (not uploade d by the c ounte r par ty supp lie r ) if he is in posse s sion of invoic e s and have r e c e ive d the se r vic e s. 4. De tails of the Invoic e s along with the G S TIN of the r e c e iver of the c r e dit i.e . to whom the IS D is dis tr ibuting cr e dit. 5. The r e will be se par ate IS D Le dge r in the r e tur n that will de tail the Ope ning Balanc e of ITC (to be auto- populate d on t he basis of pr e vious r e tur n), c r e dit for ITC se r vic e s r e ce ive d, de bit for ITC r e ver sal and ITC distr ibute d and Closing Balanc e . 3..6.2 This return would be filed by 15th of the succeeding month. Late filing would be permitted on payment of late fees only. 3.7 Components of a valid TDS Return (GSTR-7): 3.7.1 This return would capture the following information: 1. Basic de tails of the Ta xpaye r i.e . N ame alon g with G S TIN 21 2. Pe r iod to whic h t he R e tur n pe r tains 3. De tails of G S TIN of t h e S upplie r along wit h the invoic e s agains t whic h the Tax has be e n de duc te d. This will al so c ont ain the de tails of tax de duc te d against e ac h major he ad i.e . CG S T, S G S T an d IG S T. 4. De tails of othe r paym e nts - Inte r e st/ Pe nalti e s/ F e e / Othe r s, e tc . (This will be auto populate d fr om t he De bit e ntr y in Cas h le dge r ) 3.7.2 This return would be filed by 10th of the succeeding month. Late filing would be permitted on payment of late fees only. 3.8 Steps for Return Filing: Step1: The taxpaye r will upload the fi nal G S TR-1 r e tur n for m either directly through data entry at the GST Common Portal or by uploading the file containing the said GSTR- 1 return form through Apps by10thday of month succeeding the month during which supplies has been made. The increase / decrease (in supply invoices) would be allowed, only on the basis of the details uploaded by the counter-party purchaser in GSTR-2, upto 17th day of the month. (i.e. within a period of 7 days). In other words, the supplier would not be allowed to include any missing invoices on his own after 10th day of the month. G S TN will fac ilitate pe r iodic (may be daily, we e kly e tc .) upl oad of suc h infor mation to mini m iz e last minute load on the syste m. G S TN will fac ilitate offline pr e par ation of G S TR-1. 22 Step2: G S T Common Portal (GSTN) will auto-draft the provisional GSTR-2 of taxpayer based on the supply invoice details reported by the counter-party taxpayer (supplier) on a near real-time basis. Step3: Purchasing taxpayer will accept / reject/ modify such auto-drafted provisional GSTR-2. (A taxpayer will have the option to download his provisional purchase statement from the Portal or through Apps using Application Programming Interface (APIs) and update / modify it off-line). Step4: Purchasing taxpayer will also be able to add additional purchase invoice details in his GSTR-2 which have not been uploaded by counter-party taxpayer (supplier) as described in Step 1 and 2 above, provided he is in possession of valid invoice issued by counter-party taxpayer and he has actually received such supplies. Step5:Taxpayers will have the option to do reconciliation of inward supplies with counter- party taxpayers (suppliers) during the next 7 days by following up with their counter- party taxpayers for any missing supply invoices in the GSTR-1 of the counter-party taxpayers, and prompt them to accept the same as uploaded by the purchasing taxpayer. All the invoices would be auto-populated in the ITC ledger of taxpayer. The taxpayer would, however, indicate the eligibility / partial eligibility for ITC in those cases where either he is not entitled or he is entitled for partial ITC. Step 6: Taxpayers will finalize their GSTR-1and GSTR-2 by using online facility at Common Portal or using GSTN compliant off-line facility in their accounting applications, determine the liability on their supplies, determine the amount of eligible ITC on their purchases and then generate the net tax liability from the system for each type of tax. Cash details as per personal ledger/ carried forward from previous tax period, ITC c ar r ie d for war d fr om pr e vious tax pe riod, ITC r e ve r sal and assoc iate d 23 Inte r e st/ Pe nalty, taxe s paid dur ing the c ur r e nt tax pe r iod e tc . wo uld ge t auto- populate d in the G S TR-3. Step 7: Taxpayers will pay the amount as shown in the draft GSTR-3 return generated automatically at the Portal post finalization of activities mentioned in Step 6 above. Step8: Taxpaye r will de bit the IT C le dge r and c ash le dge r and me ntion t he de bit e ntr y N o. in t he G S TR-3 r e tur n and wo uld s ubmit t he same. 3.9 Acknowledgement: 3.9.1 On sub mis sio n of r e tur n, an Ac kno wle dge me nt Numbe r will be ge ne r ate d. In c ase of s ubmis sion o f a r e tur n whic h ha s be e n pr e par e d by using o ffline tools, ac knowle dge me nt of submi ssion w ill take some time as G S TN S yste m will ne e d to fir st ve r ify de tail s li ke the c ar r y for ward c ash a s pe r pe r so nal le dge r , IT C, tax payme nt de tails e tc . In suc h c ase s, ini tially a Tr ansac tion ID c onfir ming r e c e ipt of data will be c onve yed to the taxpaye r, (as also e nvisage d in c ase of filing of shor t paid / non –paid r e tur n). F inal ac knowl e dge me nt of r e c e ipt of r e tur n will be ge ne r ate d after validation of data is comple te d, whic h will also loc k-in the Tr ansac tion ID. 3.9.2 The ac knowle d ge me nt of e-r e tur n w ould c ontain the fo llo wing de tails : (i) Re tur n ac knowle dge me nt numbe r (un iqu e numbe r ge ne r ate d by the G S TN), Date and Time (ii) Tr ansac tion ID N o. , D ate and Time (iii) G S TIN of taxpaye r (iv) Re le vant tax pe r iod de tails 24 (v) G r oss S upplie s, Taxab le S upplie s and Tax paid / r e fund c laime d(CG S T, S G S T, IG S T and Add iti onal tax se par ate ly) dur ing the Re tur n pe r iod 3.10 Contents of Invoice level information: 3.10.1. The following invoice level information would be captured in the return: 1. Invoices pertaining to B2B transactions (Intra-S tate, Inte r-S tate and supplie s to U N or ganiz ations/ e mbassie s) [both for s uppl y and pur c hase tr ansa c tions]: (i) G oods and S e r vic e s Tax Ide ntific ation N umbe r (G S TIN)/U nique ID issue d to U N or ganiz ations/ Embas sie s (ii) Invoic e N umbe r, Date and value (iii) H S N c ode for e ac h item line (for G oods)/ Acc ounting c ode for e ach ite m line (for se r vic e s) (iv) Taxable Value (v) Tax Rate (CG S T & S G S T or IG S T and/ or Add itional Tax) (vi) Tax Amou nts (CG S T & S G S T or IG S T and / or Additio nal Tax) (vii) Plac e of S upply (S tate) (viii) F or Capital G oods, the r e will be se par ate c olumn in the Table of the r e tur n for e ase of tr ac king of c r e dit due a nd availe d ove r the p e r iod as pr e sc r ibe d by G S T law (ix) An Invoic e may have two ite ms having diffe r e nt tax r ate s or differ e nt H S N c ode s in c ase of B2B supplie s. If the invoic e c ontains mor e than one tax r ate / one H S N Code , the taxpaye r would have to sub mi t line- wise infor matio n se pa r ate ly for e ac h H S N Code / e ac h tax r ate . 2. Invoices pertaining to B2C transactions (Inter-State B2C supplies for consumer on record)[only suppl y tr ansac tions]: 25 A. In r e spe c t of invoic e s whose taxable valu e is mor e than R s. 2.5 lakhs (to e nable tr ansfe r of f unds to r e spe c tive state s): (i) Invoic e N umbe r , Date and value (ii) H S N Code for goods / Ac c ounting c ode for s e r vic e s (iii) Taxable Value (iv) Tax Rate (IG S T and Ad ditional Tax) (v) Tax Amou nt (IG S T an d Additio nal Tax) (vi) Buye r’s addr e ss (S tate Code ) (vii) De par tme ntal ID allot te d by S tate G ove r nme nt to G ove r nme nt e n titie s / PS U s , e tc . not de al ing in G S T s upplie s or to pe r sons de al ing in e xe mpte d / N il r ate d / non –G S T good s or se r vic e s (viii) Plac e of S upply (S tate) if di ffe r e nt than S . N o . (vi) above B.F or invoic es whose taxable value is upto Rs 2.5 lakhs, only ag gr e gate d taxable value of all suc h invoi c e s will be submi tte d, state-wise an d tax r ate-wise . (GST Law may provide for mandatory mention of address of the buyer in every invoice whose taxable value is more than Rs. 50000/-) 3. Invoices pertaining to B2C transactions (Intra-State B2C supplies) [only sup ply tr ansac tions]: F or intr a-state B2C su pplie s, aggr e gate d taxable value of all suc h invoic e s will be submit te d tax r ate-wise . 4. Invoice pertaining to Export and deemed export supply [only s upply tr ansac tions]: (i) Invoic e N umbe r , Date and value 26 (ii) 8-digit H S N Code for goods/ Ac c ounting Code of S er vic e s for e ac h line ite m ( as H S N Code / Ac c ounting c ode i s m andator y in c ase of e x por ts) (iii) Taxable Value (iv) Tax Rate (v) Tax Amou nts (IG S T, C G S T & S G S T) (in c ase e xpor ts on payme n t of G S T). (vi) S hipping Bil l/ Bill of E xpor t Numbe r 5. Invoices pertaining to exempted including Nil ratedsupply [both for supply and pur c hase tr ansac t ion ]: Aggr e gate value of all e xe mpte d (inc luding N il r ate d) supplie s made by the taxpaye r dur ing the r e tur n pe r iod would b e submit te d. The aggr e gate value of e xe mpte d (inc luding N il rate d) pur c hases would also be de c lar e d by the taxpaye r in the r e tur n . 6. Bills of Entry relating to Import [only pur c hase tr ansac tions]: (i) Bill of Entr y N umbe r, Date and value (ii) Asse ssable Value for I G S T (iii) 8-digit H S N Co de for goods (iv) IG S T r ate (v) IG S T Amou nt (vi) Impor te r ’s addr e ss (for tr ansfe r of IG S T) [Will ge t auto popul ate d in c ase of r e giste r e d taxpaye r . In c ase of othe rs, it will have to be provide d by the m] The se de tails would be ve r ifie d fr om Bill of Entr y data available at ICES / ICEG ATE. 7. Credit Note / Debit Note [for Sale s-Pur c hase r e tur n, Post-sale di sc ount]: 27 For sale-purchase return, on account of differential value/quantity/tax rates: (i) De bit / Cr e dit Note Nu mbe r (ii) Or iginal Invoic e N um be r and Date (iii) Taxable Value , Tax R ate and Tax Amou nt (CG S T & S G S T or IG S T and Additional Tax) ( that is being modified ) The c r e dit/ de bit note will be r e fle c te d in the monthly r e tur n in whic h suc h note s have be e n i ss ue d. GST Law may provide the time period within which sales return can be made and the date (invoice date or date of receipt by the buyer) from which such time period is to be calculated. 8. Post sales discount: GST Law may provide what constitutes a sale price especially with respect to post sales discount. The Law may also contain suitable provisions about admissibility or otherwise of post supply discounts. The adjustme nts for post sale s disc ou nt will be c omple te d be for e filing of annual r e tur n. The c r e dit/ de bit note will be r e fle c te d in the monthly r e tur n in w hic h the said adjustme nt is made. 9. Advances received against a supply to be made in future: G S T law may pr ovide for Point of Taxation Rule s whic h will de te r mine the point at w hic h t he tax e s would be paid by t he taxable pe r son. S o, ac c or dingly, 28 if the tax is to be paid on the basis of advanc e payme nt r ec e ive d against a futur e supp ly of goo ds and/ or se r vices, th e n the following de tails would be r e quir e d to be pr ovide d: (i) G S TIN / U ID/ G DI/N ame of c u stome r (ii) S tate Code (iii) H S N Code for goo ds / Ac c ounting c ode f or se r vic e s (iv) Amount of advanc e r e c e ive d (v) Tax Rate (CG S T an d S G S T or IG S T and A dditional Tax) (vi) Tax Amo unt ( CG S T and S G S T or IG S T a nd Addi tional Tax) 10. TDS: G S T law may pr ovide for pr ovision of TDS ( Tax De duc te d at sour c e ) for c e r tain supplie s of good s an d/ or se r vic e s made to spe c ifie d c ate gor ie s of pur c hase r s who will be obligate d to de duc t tax at a c er tain pe r c e ntage fr om the payme nt due to the sup plie r s. The y will be r e quir e d to file a TDS r e tur n and sub mit t he following de tail s: (i) G S TIN / G DI of de du c tor (ii) G S TIN of de duc te e/ supplie r (iii) Invoic e no. with date (iv) TDS Ce r tific a te no. wit h date a nd v alue (v) Taxable value 29 (v) Rate of TDS for IG S T, CG S T and S G S T as applic able (vi) Amount of IG S T, CG S T and S G S T as app lic able , de duc te d as T DS 11. ISD: G S T law may r e tain the c onc e pt of Input S e r vic e Distr ibutor (ISD). Ac c or dingly, IS Ds would be r e qui r e d to file a mont hl y r e tur n and subm it the following de tails: (i) De tails of IS D i.e . G S TIN , name and addr e ss (ii) De tails of r e c ipie nt i.e . G S TIN , name and addr e ss (iii) De tails of the i nwar d supply invoic e s on the ba sis of wh ic h Inpu t Tax Cr e dit is c laime d. (iv) Invoic e / Doc ume nt no. with date (v) Amount of IG S T, C G S T, S G S T Cr e dit, as a pplic able , be ing di str i bute d. 3.10.2 GST Law may provide the suitable provisions for the mandatory fields and data structure which must be contained in a GST invoice. 3.11 Where will the taxpayer file Return? 3.11.1 A r e giste r e d T ax Paye r shall file G S T Re tur n at G S T Com mon Por tal e ithe r : (i) by himse lf logg ing on to the G S T Common Por tal using hi s own use r ID and pas swor d; 30 (ii) Thr ough his author iz e d r e pr e se ntative using the use r Id and passwor d (allotte d to the author iz e d r e pr e se ntative by the tax author itie s), as c hose n at the time of r e gistr ation, logging on to the G S T Common Por tal. The filing may be done e ithe r dire c tly or by using Applic ation s de ve lope d by ac c ounting c ompanie s / IT c ompanie s whi c h will in te r ac t with G S T S yste m using APIs or thr ough F ac ilitation Ce nte r (F C). 3.11.2 At the time of r e gistr ation, e ve r y taxpaye r has to e nr oll with G S T Common Por tal (G S TN ). A u nique U se r-ID and Passwor d will be g e ne r ate d and intimate d to t he taxpa ye r . This U se r-ID and Passwor d s hall be u se d by him for filing the tax r e tur n on the Common Portal as we ll. H owe ve r , a taxable pe r son may pr e par e and submit his r e tur ns him se lf or c an use se r vic e s of a TRP. The pr oc e ss for fili ng r e tu r n thr ough TRP is give n be low: (i) A TRP will have to b e c hose n by the tax p aye r out of TRPs r e gi ste r e d with r e spe c tive State tax author itie s/ CBE C. (taxpaye r will ha ve the option to c hange TRP any time ); (ii) The TRPs r e giste r e d with tax author itie s wil l be pr ovide d se par at e use r ID and pa sswor d; (iii) U sing his ow n use r Id and passwor d, the TR P will pr e par e the re tur n in pr e sc r ibe d for mat on the basis of t he infor mation fur nis he d to him by the taxable pe r son. (The le gal r e sponsibility of the c or r ec tne ss of infor mation c ontaine d in the r e tur n pr e par e d by the TRP will r est with 31 the taxable pe r son o nl y and the T RP s hall no t be liable for any e r ror s or inc or r e c t infor mation.); (iv) The TRP will be able to upload all type s of r e tur n, base d on the infor mation pr ovide d by the taxpaye r who has author iz e d hi m to do so at the por tal; (v) The syste m will ge ne r ate an e mail and SM S having basic data of r e tur n and se nd the same to t he taxpaye r; (vi) The taxpaye r c an ac ce pt the c or r e c tne ss of the r e tur n and subm it the same by just c lic king on the link pr ovide d in the e-mail. In c ase he doe s not r e spond to the e-mail, r e turn will be c o nside r e d as not submi tte d; (vii) In c ase taxpaye r wants to r e spond to the S M S , he may do so by r e plying YES and me ntion the OTP se nt alongwith t he S M S . In c ase he doe s not r e spond to t he S M S, r e tur n will be c on side r e d as not s ubmitte d; (viii) This mechanism may be provided in the GST law and the TRPs would have to be approved by the tax administration and allotted a Unique ID and will also be provided appropriate training by them. 3.11.3 The r e tur n c an also be sub mitte d by the taxpaye r thr ough any Fac ilitation Ce nte r (F C) appr ove d by the Tax author iti e s and se le c te d by th e taxpaye r at G S T S yste m. The taxpaye r shall make available t he r e quisite doc ume n ts to t he fac ilitation c e nte r . F ac ilitation Centr e (F C) shall be r e sponsible for the uploading of all type s of r e tur n give n to it by the taxable pe r son. Afte r uploading the d ata on the c ommon 32 por tal using the ID an d Passwor d of F C, the G S TN syste m will ge ne r ate an e mail/ SMS for the taxpaye r . The pr oc e ss e xplaine d in Par a 3.11.2 above wil l be followe d. With e-sign be ing wor ke d out by De par tme nt of Ele c tr onic s and Infor mation Te c hnology (DEITY), individ ual s i gning of r e tur n by o n e-time Digital S ignatu r e Ce r tific ate (DS C) c an also be c omple te d. This will do away with the r e quir e me nt of pr int-out of ac knowle dge me nt of r e tur n pr opose d ear lie r base d on the c urre nt syste m of ITR filing. 3.11.4 Registration of TRP/ FC will be done by CBEC / respective State tax authorities and the registration data will be shared with GSTN to enable applicants/ taxpayers to choose one from the available list of registered TRPs/ FCs. The GST Law may also contain suitable provisions about it. 3.11.5 The c ommon p or tal will display t he e le c tr onic for m to be use d for fili ng the r e tur n. The for m can be downloade d, filled and the n uploade d using appr ove d e- tools. 3.11.6 The por tal wi ll pr ovide a for m ge ne r ation utility whic h c an be downloade d by the taxpaye r for pr e par ation of the r e tur n offline and for c onduc ting the pr e liminar y ar ithme tic c he c ks be for e r e tur n is uploade d o n the p or tal using API s. 3.11.7 Alo ng wit h t he r e tur n, taxpaye r is no t r e quir e d to s ubmit a ny othe r doc ume nt. The doc ume nts as r e quir e d for sc r utiny or audit shall be made available by the taxpaye r to the audit par ty de pute d by the CBEC /State tax autho r itie s/ CAG . 3.11.8 The Commo n Por tal will maintain and display the le dge r of the Tax Payer pr oviding infor mation about the tax de posite d, input tax c r e dit availe d/ take n, input 33 tax c r e dit utiliz e d, ta x liability c r e ate d, ba lanc e ITC c ar r ie d for war d, tax payme nts made by de biting the le dge r s unde r r e spe c tive major tax he ad s, r e fund gr ante d an d balanc e in r e spe c tive c ash le dge r and c r e dit le dge r car r ie d for war d [S e par ate le dge r will be maintai ne d fo r ITC and Cas h for e a c h Taxpaye r]. The inf or mation of In te r e st on de laye d payments, Pe nalty for le gal de faults, Tax De mand as pe r adjudic ation/ appe llate or de r s, e tc . would al so be pr ovide d. The l e dge r will also give the status of t he tax due s or e xc e ss payme nt on any give n date . Thus suc h le dge r would have e ight pag e s and c as h le dge r wo uld have 2 0 page s. 3.11.9 A r e tur n r e late d liability should me an the tax liability for the transac tions (inc luding c r e dit/ de bit note s) of the r e tur n pe r iod and the additio nal liability ar ising out of a ny IT C r e ve r sal or late inc lu sion o f the s upply i n t he r e tur n pe r iod. Ar r e ar s pe r taining to audi t/ r e asse ssme nt/ e nfor c e me nt outc ome s would be handle d se par ate ly, and not mixe d with the r e tur n r e late d liabilitie s and payments. The payme nts made on t hi s ac c ount, howe ve r , w ould be r e fle c te d in th e r e tur n. 3.12 Revision of Return 3.12.1 T he r e would be no r e vision o f r e tur ns. 3.12.2 Al l unr e por te d invoic e s of pr e vio us tax pe r iod wou ld be r e fle c te d in the r e tur n for the month in whic h the y ar e pr opose d to be inc lude d. The inte r e st, if applic able will be au t o populate d. 3.12.3 All unde r-r e por te d invoic e and ITC r e vision will have to be c or re c te d using c r e dit/ de bit note and suc h c r e dit / de bit note would be re flec te d in the r e tur n for the month in whic h suc h adjustme nt i s c ar r ie d out. The c r e dit/ de bit note will have 34 pr ovision to r e c or d or iginal invoic e , date e tc. to e nable the syste m to link the same with the or iginal invoic e as also to c alc ulate the inte r e st, if applic able . Its format will be like the invoice. 3.12.4 The r e would be se par ate table s in the r e tur ns for r e fle c ting those adjustme nt s for whic h c r e dit / de bit note s ar e not r e quir e d to be iss ue d / i ss ue d. The in te r e st, if applic able will be au t o populate d. 3.13 Non-filing, late-filing and short-filing of return A. Non-Filers & Late-Filers In c ase of failur e by the taxpaye r to submit pe r iodic re tur ns, a de faulte r list will be ge ne r ate d by the IT sy ste m by c ompar ing the r e tur n f ile r s with the r e gistr ant database . S uc h de faulte r list will be pr ovide d to the r espe c tive G S T Author itie s for ne c e ss ar y e nfor c e me nt and f ollow up ac tion . G S T Common Por tal c an auto ge ne r ate and se nd the notic e to all non-file r s (be ing done by many S tate VAT aut hor itie s) in the for m o f e m ail and S M S . Jur isdic tional tax aut hor itie s c an ge t the same pr inte d and dispatc h suc h notic e s. The de tail s of non-file r s shall be m ade available on the dash boar d of jur isdic tional offic e r s. GST Law may also provide for imposition of automatic late fees for non-filers and late filers which can also be in-built in the notices. B. Short-Filers As pe r t he r e quir e me nt of t he IG S T mode l, R e tur n shoul d be allow e d to be f ile d only on payme nt of d ue tax as se lf-a sse s se d and de c lar e d in the r e tur n. It has, 35 howe ve r , be e n de c ided that e-Re tur n should be allowe d to be up loade d e ve n in c ase of shor t payme nt for the limite d pur pose of having the infor mation about se lf-as se sse d tax liab ility e ve n though not paid. The invoic e matc hing and inte r-gove r nme ntal fund se tt le me nt would , howe ve r , take plac e only afte r the full tax ha s be en paid . Re tur n without full payme nt of tax will b e allowe d to be uploade d but it will be tre ate d as an invalid r e tur n and this r e tur n will not be use d for matc hing of invoic e s a nd se ttle me nt of fund s. Any invalid r e tur n (i nc luding the o ne not suppor te d by full p ayme nt) will me r e ly be re c or de d with unique tr ansac t ion ID, but not ac c e pte d in the syste m, and tha t aspe c t will be made known to the taxpaye r at the time of communicating the ID itse lf . [GST Law may provide adequate penal provisions for short-filing and non- filing of return] 4 Return for Casual/Non-Resident Taxpayers: C a su a l/ Non-R es id en t Ta x p a y ers sh o u ld f i l e GS T R-1 , GS T R-2 a n d GST R-3 f o r t he p eri o d f o r w h i c h th ey ha v e o b t a i n ed reg i st ra t i on w i t h in a p eri o d o f s ev en d a y s a ft er t h e d at e o f ex p i ry o f reg i s t ra t i on . I n c a s e reg i s t ra t i on p eri o d is fo r m o re t h an on e m o n th , m o n th l y ret u rn (s ) w o u ld b e f il ed a n d th erea f t er ret u rn f o r rem a i n in g peri o d w o u l d b e f i l ed w it h i n a p eri o d o f s ev en d a y s as s t a t ed ea rl i er. 36 5 Annual Return (GSTR-8): 5.1 All the Nor mal taxpaye r s would be r e quire d to submit Annual Re tur n. This r e tur n to be file d annually is i nte nde d to pr ovide 360 de gr e e vie w about the ac tivitie s of the ta xpaye r. This state me n t would pr ovide a r e conc iliation of the r e tur ns wit h the a udite d fina nc ial sta te me nts of the taxpaye r. 5.2 Thi s r e tur n is a de taile d r e tur n and c aptur e s the de tails of a ll the inc ome and e xpe nditur e of t he taxpaye r and r e groups the m in ac c or danc e with the monthly r e tur ns file d by the taxpayer. This r e tur n also pr ovide s for the r e c onc iliation of the monthly tax payme nt s and will pr ovide th e oppor tunity to make good for any shor t r e por ting of ac tivitie s unde r take n supply wise. The said r e tur n wo ul d also c aptur e t he de t ails of pe nding ar r e ar s agains t the taxpaye r and the c ur r e nt status of t he or de r s le ading to suc h ar r e ar s. The de tails of all the r e fu nd c laims pe nding wi th the tax author itie s would also be c aptur e d. S inc e this r e tur n c aptur e s the minute st de tail s of inc ome and e xpe nditur e of the ta xpaye r, the gr oss pr o fit/ loss ar r ive d on the basis o f the de tails sub mitte d in this s tate me nt sho ul d tally with the gr oss pr ofit/ lo ss indic ate d in t he Pr ofit and Los s Ac c ount of t he de ale r . Ac c or dingly, this r e tur n is to be submitte d alo ng with the audite d c opie s of the Annual A c c ounts of the de ale r and would be file d by 31stDe c e mber following the e nd of the financ ial ye ar for whic h it i s f il e d. 5.3 A se par ate r e c onc iliation state me n t, duly c e r tifie d by a Char te r e d Ac c ountant, will have to be file d by those t axpaye r s who ar e r e quir e d to ge t 37 the ir ac c ounts audite d unde r se c tion 44 AB of Inc ome Tax Ac t 1 9 61. C urr e ntly this l imit is Rs 1 Cr or e . 5.4 Consolidate d s tate me nt of pur c hase s and supplie s base d on monthly r e tur ns file d by t he taxpaye r c an be made available to taxpay e r s by G S TN c ommon por tal as a f ac ilitation me asur e fo r e nabling him to pr e par e annual r e tur n. 5.5 T h e f o rm a t o f R ec o n c i li a t i o n s ta t em ent w o u l d b e f i n a l i z ed a f t er f i n a li z a t i on o f GS T Mo d el l a w . 6 Processing of Return: Afte r the G S T Re tur n has be e n u ploade d on to the G S T Common P or tal, the Por tal will unde r take the foll owing ac tivitie s: (i) Ac knowle dge the r ec e ipt of the r e tur n file d by the taxpaye r after c onduc ting r e quir e d v alidations. (ii) Ac knowle dge me nt nu mbe r would be is sue d as pe r pr oc e dur e de taile d in Par a 3. 9 above . (iii) Onc e a r e tur n is ac knowle dge d, for war d that G S T Re tur n to tax author itie s of Ce ntr al and appr op r iate S tate G ovt. thr ou gh the e s tablishe d IT i nte r fac e. (iv) The ITC c lai m will be c onfir me d to pur c hasi ng taxpaye r in c ase of matc he d invoic e s afte r 20th of the month suc c e e din g the month of the t ax pe r iod 38 month pr ovide d c ou n te r par ty supplying taxpaye r has s ubmitte d the valid r e tur n (and paid se lf-asse s se d tax a s pe r r e t ur n). (v) Communic ate to the taxpaye r s thr ough S M S / e-Mail, about the mac r o- r e sults of t he mat c hing. The de tail s will be in the taxpaye rs’ dashboar d/ le dge r whic h c an be vie we d afte r log-in at the Por tal. (vi) Auto-popu late the IT C r e ve r sals due to mismatc hing of invoi c e s in the taxpaye r’s ac c ount in the r e tur n for the 2nd month afte r filing of r e tur n for a par tic ular month. (vii) Aggr e gation of c r oss-c r e dit utiliz ation of IG S T and SG S T for e ach S tate and ge ne r ation of se tt le me nt in str uc tions base d on IG S T mode l and a s finaliz e d by the Payme nts Com mitte e . This has to be with de ale r-wise de tails as the c onc e r ne d tax administr ation’s follow on ac tivitie s will be de pe nde nt on that de tailing . (Satish Chandra) (Rashmi Verma) Member Secretary Special Secretary Empowered Committee Department of Revenue of State Finance Ministers Government of India 39 ANNEXURE-I LIST OF PARTICIPANTS OF THE MEETING HELD ON 9TH OCTOBER, 2015 Government of India 1. Smt. Rashmi Verma, Special Secretary (Revenue), Government of India 2. Shri Udai Singh Kumawat, Joint Secretary (Revenue), Government of India 3. Shri Manish Saxena, Additional Director, Directorate General of Systems, Government of India 4. Shri Shashank Priya, ADG, DG (GST), CBEC, Government of India 5. Shri Upender Gupta, Commissioner, GST, CBEC, Government of India 6. Shri G.D. Lohani, Commissioner, CBEC, Government of India 7. Shri Rajeev Yadav, Director (Service Tax), CBEC, Government of India 8. Shri Ravneet Singh Khurana, Deputy Commissioner, CBEC, Government of India 9. Shri Vishal Pratap Singh, Deputy Commissioner (GST), CBEC, Government of India 10. Smt. Aarti Saxena, Deputy Secretary (State Taxes), Government of India 11. Shri Tshering Y. Bhutia, Assistant Secretary, Department of Revenue, Government of India States 1. Shri Gautam Das Gupta, Deputy Commissioner of Taxes, Assam 2. Shri T. Ramesh Babu, Additional Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Andhra Pradesh 3. Shri Ajay Kumar Chourasia, Joint Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Bihar 4. Shri Vijay Kumar, Commissioner (VAT), Trade and Taxes, Delhi 5. Shri Jagmal Singh, Deputy Director, Trade and Taxes, Delhi 6. Shri Dipak M. Bandekar, Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Goa 7. Dr. P.D. Vaghela, Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Gujarat 8. Shri Riddhesh Raval, Assistant Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Gujarat 9. Shri Hanuman Singh, Additional Commissioner, Excise & Taxation, Haryana 10. Shri Prediman Bhat, Additional Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Jammu & Kashmir 11. Shri S.K. Prasad, Deputy Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Jharkhand 12. Shri Ritvik Pandey, Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Karnataka 13. Dr. M.P.Ravi Prasad, Joint Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Karnataka 14. Dr. Rajan Khobragade, Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Kerala 15. Shri Sudip Gupta, Deputy Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Madhya Pradesh 16. Shri Niten Chandra, Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Odisha 40 17. Shri Dipankar Sahu, Deputy Commissioner(IT&P), Commercial Tax, Odisha 18. Shri K. Sridhar, Deputy Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Puducherry 19. Shri Pawag Garg, Additional Commissioner, Excise & Taxation, Punjab 20. Shri Dinesh Chandra Rakhecha, Assistant Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Rajasthan 21. Shri K. Rajaraman, Principal Secretary/Commissioner, Commercial Taxes, Tamil Nadu 22. Shri D. Soundraraja Pandian, Joint Commissioner (Taxation), Commercial Taxes, Tamil Nadu 23. Shri K. Chandrasekhar Reddy, Additional Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Telangana 24. Shri Rakesh Verma, Joint Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Uttar Pradesh 25. Shri Vivek Kumar, Additional Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Uttar Pradesh 26. Shri N.C. Sharma, Additional Commissioner, Commercial Tax, Uttarakhand 27. Shri Khalid Aizaz Anwar, Joint Commissioner, Commercial Tax, West Bengal Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) 1. Shri Navin Kumar, Chairman, Goods and Services Tax Network 2. Shri Prakash Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, Goods and Services Tax Network 3. Shri S.B. Singh, SVP (Services), Goods and Services Tax Network 4. Shri K.P. Verma, VP (Services), Goods and Services Tax Network 5. Ms. Kalyaneshwari B. Patil, AVP (Services), Goods and Services Tax Network 6. Shri J. Rasal Dass Soloman, AVP (Services), Goods and Services Tax Network Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers 1. Shri Satish Chandra, Member Secretary, Empowered Committee 2. Shri Bashir Ahmed, Adviser, Empowered Committee 3. Shri V.P. Gupta, Senior Administrative Officer, Empowered Committee 41 ANNEXURE-II GSTR-1 OUTWARD SUPPLIES MADE BY THE TAXPAYER [To be furnished by the 10th of the month] [Not to be furnished by compounding taxpayer/ISD] 1. GSTIN: …………………….. 2. Name of the taxpayer: …………………….. (S. No. 1 and 2 will be auto-populated on logging) 3. Gross Turnover of the taxpayer in the previous FY……………….. (To be submitted only in first year. To be auto populated in subsequent year) 4. Period: Month…………. Year ……… 5. Taxable outward supplies to a registered person (figures in Rs) GSTIN/ UIN Invoice IGST CGST SGST Addl Tax# POS (only if different from the location of recipient) Indicate if supply attracts reverse charge $ No. Date Value HSN/ SAC* Taxable value Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) * As per Para 3.1 (4) (iii) of the return report # Not applicable to services and intra-state & specified inter-state supplies of goods $ To be filled only if a supply attracts reverse charge Notes: 1. SAC to be different from HSN (may be prefix ‘S’) 2. Taxpayer has the option to furnish the details of nil rate and exempted supplies in this Table 3. In case of inter-state supplies, only IGST & Additional Tax (if applicable) would be filled 4. In case of intra-state supplies, CGST & SGST would be filled. 6. Taxable outward supplies to a consumer where place of supply is other than the State where supplier is located (Inter-state supplies) and Invoice value is more than Rs 2.5 lakh (optional in respect of other supplies) (figures in Rs) 42 Recpient’s State code Name of the recipient/ GDI Invoice IGST Addl Tax# POS (only if different from the location of recipient) No. Date Value HSN/ SAC* Taxable value Rate Amt Rate Amt (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) * As per Para 3.1 (4) (iii) of the return report # Not applicable to services and intra-state & specified inter-state supplies of goods Notes: 1. SAC to be different from HSN (may be prefix ‘S’) 2. Taxpayer has the option to furnish the details of nil rate and exempted supplies in this Table 7. Taxable outward supplies to consumer (Other than 6 above) (figures in Rs) HSN/ SAC* State code (Place of supply) Aggregate Taxable Value IGST CGST SGST Addl Tax# Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) * As per Para 3.1 (4) (iii) of the return report # Not applicable to services and intra-state & specified inter-state supplies of goods Notes: 1. SAC to be different from HSN (may be prefix ‘S’) 2. Taxpayer has the option to furnish the details of nil rate and exempted supplies in this Table 8. Details of Credit/Debit Notes (figures in Rs) Debit Note/credit note Original Invoice Differentia l Value (Plus or Minus) Differential Tax No. Date No. Date IGST CGST SGST Addl Tax# Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Debit Note Credit Note # Not applicable to services and intra-state & specified inter-state supplies of goods Note: Information about Credit Note / Debit Note to be submitted only if issued as a supplier. 43 9. Amendments to details of Outward Supplies of earlier tax periods (including post supply discounts) (figures in Rs) Original Invoice GSTIN/ UIN Revised Invoice IGST CGST SGST Addl Tax# POS(only if different from the location of recipient ) No. Date No. Date HSN/ SAC Taxable Value Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) # Not applicable to services and intra-state & specified inter-state supplies of goods 10. Nil rated, Exempted and Non GST outward supplies* (figures in Rs) Nil Rated (Amount) Exempted (Amount) Non GST supplies (Amount) (1) (2) (3) (4) Interstate supplies to registered person Intrastate supplies to registered person Interstate supplies to consumer Intrastate supplies to consumer  If the details of “nil”” rated and “exempt” supplies have been provided in Table 5,6 and 7, then info in column (3) may only be furnished. 11. Supplies Exported (including deemed exports) (figures in Rs) Invoice Shipping bill/ bill of export IGST CGST SGST No. Date Value HSN/ SAC* Taxable value No Date Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Without payment of GST With payment of GST 44 * As per Para 3.1 (4) (iii) of the return report 12. Tax liability of amount received in advance against a supply to be made in future (figures in Rs) GSTIN/UI D/GDI/ Name of customer State Code HSN/SAC* of supply to be made Amount of advance received without raising a bill TAX IGST CGST SGST Addl Tax# Rate Tax Rate Tax Rate Tax Rate Tax (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) * As per Para 3.1 (4) (iii) of the return report # Not applicable to services and intra-state & specified inter-state supplies of goods Note: A transaction id would be generated by system for each transaction on which tax is paid in advance 13. Tax already paid (on advance receipt) on invoices issued in the current period (figures in Rs) Invoice No. Transaction id (A number assigned by the system when tax was paid) TAX Paid on receipt of advance IGST CGST SGST Addl Tax# Rate Tax Rate Tax Rate Tax Rate Tax (1) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) # Not applicable to services and intra-state & specified inter-state supplies of goods Note: Tax liability in respect of invoices issued in this period shall be net of tax already paid on advance receipt. Usual Declaration (Signatures of Authorized Person) INSTRUCTIONS for furnishing the information 1. Terms used: GSTIN: Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification Number UID: Unique Identity Number for embassies HSN: Harmonized System of Nomenclature for goods SAC: Service Accounting Code GDI: Government department unique ID where department does not have GSTIN POS: Place of supply of goods or services – State Code to be mentioned 45 ANNEXURE-III GSTR-2 [To be furnished by the 15th of the month] [Not to be furnished by compounding taxpayer /ISD] Note: 1. Auto-population would be done, on the basis of GSTR1 of counter-party supplier, on or after 11th of succeeding month. 2. Addition of invoices / debit note / credit note, not submitted by counter-party supplier, would be permitted between 12th to 15th of succeeding month. 3. Adjustments would be permitted on 16th and 17th of succeeding month. 4. Further the other details that are not auto-populated, i.e. import of services, eligibility of ITC and quantum thereof and purchases from unregistered taxpayer shall be furnished. INWARD SUPPLIES/PURCHASES RECEIVED 1. GSTIN……….. … 2. Name of taxpayer……… (S. No. 1 and 2 will be auto-populated on logging) 3. Period : Month……… Year …… 4. From Registered taxpayers (figures in Rs) GSTIN of supplier Invoice IGST CGST SGST Addl. Tax# Eligibility of ITC (select from drop down) Total Tax available as ITC ITC available this month No. Date Value HSN/ SAC* Taxable value Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) Other than supplies attracting reverse charge Auto populated Input Capital goods None Not auto populated (Claimed) Same as above Supplies attracting reverse charge Auto populated Same as above Others * As per Para 3.1 (4) (iii) of the return report Shall be auto populated from own GSTR1 Shall be auto populated from counterparty GSTR1 46 # Not applicable to services and intra-state & specified inter-state supplies of goods Note: If the supply is received in more than one lot, the invoice information should be reported in the return period in which the last lot is received and recorded in the books of accounts. 5. Goods /Capital goods received from Overseas (Import of goods) (figures in Rs) Bill of entry IGST Eligibility for ITC (select from drop down) Total IGST available as ITC ITC available this month No. Date Value HSN/ SAC* Taxable value Rate Amt (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Input Capital Goods None * As per Para 3.1 (4) (iii) of the return report 6. Services received from a supplier located outside India (Import of services) (figures in Rs) Invoice IGST ITC Admissibility No Date Value SAC Taxable value Rate Amt Total ITC admissible ITC admissible this month (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 7. Details of Credit/Debit Notes (figures in Rs) Debit Note/ credit note Original Invoice Differenti al Value (Plus or Minus) Differential Tax Eligibili ty for ITC (select from drop down as in Table 5 above) Total IGST availab le as ITC ITC availab le this month No. Date No. Date IGST CGST SGST Addl Tax# Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) Debit Note Received Credit Note Received Column No. 1 to 13 shall be auto populated from counterparty GSTR1 47 # Not applicable to services and intra-state & specified inter-state supplies of goods 8. Amendments to details of inward supplies received in earlier tax periods (including post purchase discounts received) (figures in Rs) Original Invoice GSTIN/ UIN Revised Invoice IGST CGST SGST Addl Tax # Eligibility for ITC (select from drop down as in Table 5 above) Total IGST available as ITC ITC available this month No. Date No. Date HSN/ SAC Taxable Value Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt Rate Amt (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10 (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) # Not applicable to services and intra-state & specified inter-state supplies of goods 9. Supplies received from compounding /unregistered dealer & other exempt/nil/non GST supplies (figures in Rs) HSN Code/ SAC code Value of supplies received from Compounding Dealer Unregistered dealer Any exempt supply not included in Table 4 above Any nil rated supply not included in Table 4 above Non GST Supply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Interstate supplies Intrastate suppies 10. ISD credit received (figures in Rs) GSTIN_ISD Invoice/Document details ISD Credit No Date IGST CGST SGST (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Column No. 1 to 13 shall be auto populated from counterparty GSTR1 Shall be auto populated from counterparty GSTR1 Shall be auto populated from counterparty IDS return 48 11. TDS Credit received (figures in Rs) GSTIN/ GDI/of TDS deductor TDS Certificate TDS IGST CGST SGST No Date Rate Tax Rate Tax Rate Tax (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (3) 12. ITC Received on an invoice on which partial credit availed earlier (figures in Rs) Original invoice/ doc. ITC availed IGST CGST SGST No Date Earlier This month Earlier This month Earlier This month (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (3) Usual declaration Signature of Authorized Person Shall be auto populated from counterparty TDS return ITC taken earlier shall be auto populated upon choosing the invoice number return 49 ANNEXURE-IV GSTR-3 GST RETURN [To be furnished by the 20th of the month] [Other than compounding taxpayer / ISD] TAXPAYER DETAILS 1. GSTIN ……………………. 2. Name of Taxpayer……………………………. 3. Address [S. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 shall be auto populated on logging] 4. Period Month…………… Year…………….. R. TURNOVER DETAILp (figures in Rs) A. Gross Turnover B. Export Turnover C. Exempted Domestic Turnover D. Nil rated Domestic Turnover E. Non GST Turnover F. Net Taxable Turnover 6.Outward Supplies 6.1 Inter-state supplies to Registered taxpayers (Auto populated from GSTR-1) (figures in Rs) State Code Rate of Tax (Rate wise-Including Nil, exempt and Non GST) Value IGST Additional Tax (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Goods Services Note: To be auto-populated from Table 5 plus Table 8 plus Table 10 of GSTR-1 6.2 Intra-State Supplies to Registered taxpayers (Auto populated from GSTR-1) (figures in Rs) 50 Rate of Tax (Rate wise-Including Nil, exempt and Non GST) Value CGST SGST (1) (2) (3) (4) Goods Services Note: To be auto-populated from Table 5 plus Table 8 plus Table 10 of GSTR-1 6.3 Inter-State Supplies to Consumers (Auto populated from GSTR-1) (including unregistered Government Departments / persons dealing in exempted / NIL rated/ non GST goods or services ) (figures in Rs) State Code Rate of Tax (Rate wise-Including Nil, exempt and Non GST) Value IGST Additional Tax (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Goods Services Note: To be auto-populated from Table 6 plus Table 7 plus Table 8 plus Table 10 of GSTR-1 6.4 Intra-State Supplies to Consumers (Auto populated from GSTR-1) (figures in Rs) Rate of Tax (Rate wise-Including Nil, exempt and Non GST) Value CGST SGST (1) (2) (3) (4) Goods Services Note: To be auto-populated from Table 7 plus Table 8 plus Table 10 of GSTR-1 6.5 Exports (including deemed exports) (Auto populated from GSTR-1) (figures in Rs) Description Taxable Value IGST CGST SGST (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Goods Without payment of GST 51 With Payment of GST Services Without payment of GST With Payment of GST Note: To be auto-populated from Table 11 of GSTR-1 6.6 Revision of supply invoices pertaining to previous tax period (including post sales discounts or any clerical/other errors) [Auto populated from GSTR1] (figures in Rs) Invoice No Invoice Date Differential Value (Plus or Minus) IGST CGST SGST Additional Tax (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Goods Services Note: To be auto-populated from Table 9 of GSTR-1 6.7 Total tax liability on outward supplies (Auto Populated from the Tables above) (figures in Rs) Value IGST CGST SGST Additional Tax (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Goods Services Note: To be auto-populated from Tables 6.1 to 6.6 above of this Return 7. Inward supplies 7.1 Inter-State supplies received (Auto-populated from GSTR2) (figures in Rs) State Code Rate of Tax (Rate wise-Including Nil, exempt and non-GST) Value IGST ITC of IGST available in the current month Addl Tax (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 52 Goods_Inputs Capital goods Services Note: To be auto-populated from Table 4 plus Table 7 plus Table 9 of GSTR-2 7.2 Intra-State supplies received (Auto populated from GSTR -2) (figures in Rs) Rate of Tax (Rate wise-Including Nil, exempt, compounding dealer and non-GST) Value CGST SGST ITC-CGST available in current month ITC-SGST available in current month (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Goods_ Inputs Capital Goods Services Note: To be auto-populated from Table 4 plus Table 7 plus Table 9 of GSTR-2 7.3 Imports (Auto populated from GSTR -2) (figures in Rs) Assessable Value IGST ITC- IGST available in current month (1) (2) (3) (4) Goods_ inputs Capital goods Services Note: To be auto-populated from Table 5 plus Table 6 of GSTR-2 7.4 Revision of purchase invoices pertaining to previous tax period (including post sales discounts received or any clerical / other errors ( Auto populated from GSTR-2) (figures in Rs) Differential Value (+/-) CGST SGST IGST Additional Tax (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Goods_ Inputs 53 Capital goods Services Note: To be auto-populated from Table 8 of GSTR-2 7.5 Total Tax liability on inward supplies on reverse charge (figures in Rs) Value CGST SGST IGST Additional Tax (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Goods Services Note: To be auto-populated from Table 6 of GSTR-2 8 Total Tax liability for the month (Table 6.7 plus Table 7.5 of this Return) (figures in Rs) Value CGST SGST IGST Additional Tax (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Goods Services 9. TDS credit received during the month ( Auto-populated from GSTR-2) (figures in Rs) GSTIN/ GDI/of TDS deductor TDS Certificate IGST CGST SGST No Date Rate Tax Rate Tax Rate Tax (1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Note: To be auto-populated from Table 11 of GSTR-2 10. ITC received during the month (auto populated from ITC Ledger) (figures in Rs) 54 IGST CGST SGST Rate Tax Rate Tax Rate Tax (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 11. Tax, fine and penalty paid (auto-populated from cash and ITC ledger) (figures in Rs) S. No. Description IGST CGST SGST Addl Tax (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1. ITC Reversal paid (On account of adjustment) 2. ITC Reversal paid ( On account of mismatch) 3. Interest 4. Tax for previous Tax periods 5. Tax for Current Tax period 6. Late fee 7. Penalty Debit Nos. in Ledger 1. In Cash Ledger 2. In ITC ledger 12. Refunds claim of excess ITC in specified cases and excess tax paid earlier CGST SGST IGST (1) (2) (3) (4) Refund of ITC accumulation claimed in specified cases Refund of excess amount of tax paid earlier Refund from cash ledger Bank Account Number* *This should be one of the bank accounts mentioned in the GSTIN Usual declaration Signatures of Authorized Person 55 TAX Liability Ledger (Auto populated in real time) (figures in Rs) CGST SGST IGST Addl Tax Total (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Opening Tax Liability Tax liability arising out of return Tax liability on account of mismatch of invoices Other tax liability TDS Liability Penalty Fees Interest Less : Tax paid (cash plus ITC) Closing balance The heads for tax, TDS and other liability shall be shown as drop down items for facilitation 56 CASH LEDGER (updated on real time) (figures in Rs) CGST SGST IGST Addl Tax Total (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Opening Balance Amount deposited [Auto populated from CIN] CIN …………. CIN …………. Amount of TDS Credit [Auto populated from TDS Return of counterparty deductor] Amount utilized for payment of tax Outstanding liability from earlier period For this tax period Any other liability paid (indicate reference from Tax liability register) Amount utilised for payment of interest/penalty and other amount paid Interest paid on delay in payment of tax Fees paid for late filing of return Others penalties paid Other amount paid (selection) Refund from cash ledger Closing balance 57 ITC LEDGER (updated on real time) (figures in Rs) CGST SGST IGST Total (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Opening Balance ITC availed (including revision in invoices) [first 4 will be auto-populated] Inputs Capital goods Services-received directly Services credit received from ISD Mismatched credit claimed Disputed credit claimed Credit claimed by a taxpayer on becoming regular taxpayer Any other ITC claimed (Please specify) Credit utilized ITC Reversal ( On account of adjustment) ITC Reversal ( On account of mismatch) ITC Revision for any reason ITC Disallowed Interest Liability related to Returns of previous Tax period Tax Liability of earlier Tax periods Tax payment for the month [selection] ITC_ refund under process/refund allowed Other tax liability paid Closing Balance 58 ANNEXURE-V GSTR-4 Quarterly Return for Compounding Dealer (To be furnished by 18th of the month succeeding the quarter) 1. GSTIN …………………………. 2. Name of the Taxpayer………………………… 3. Address (S. No. 1, 2 and 3 shall be auto-populated on logging) 4. Period of Return From………. To


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