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4756 GI/2016 (1) jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3—mi&[k.M (i) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 709] ubZ fnYyh] c`gLifrokj] vDrwcj 6] 2016@vkf'ou 14] 1938 No. 709] NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2016/ASVI NA 14, 1938 ￿म एवं रोजगार मं￿ालय अिधसूचना नई ￿h ली, 6 अ￿ू बर, 2016 सा.का.िन. 957(अ).— कमEचारी राT य बीमा िनगम (कv ￿ीय) िनयमावली, 1950 मv आगे संशोधन हेतु कु छेक िनe निलिखत मसौदा िनयम, िज` हv कv ￿ सरकार, कमEचा री राT य बीमा िनगम के परामशE से कमEचारी राT य बीमा अिधिनयम, 1948 (1948 का 34) क￿￿ारा 95 ￿￿￿रा ￿द\ त शि￿य￿ का ￿योग करते _ए, बनाने का ￿m ताव करती है, उM त धारा क￿￿￿प धारा (1) ￿￿￿रा यथापेिCत, उसस े ￿भािवत हो सकने वाले सभी j यि￿य￿ के सूचनाथE ￿कािशत ￿या जाता है तथा एत￿￿￿रा सूचना दी जाती है ￿ उ M त मसौदा िनयम पर, भारत का राजप￿ िजसमv यह अिधसूचना ￿कािशत क￿￿ई, क￿ितयां जनता को उपलc ध होने क ￿￿ारीख से तीस ￿न￿ के पk चात् िवचार ￿या जाएगा। उM त मसौदा िनयम￿ के संबंध मv उपयुEM त िविन￿l ट अविध के भीतर ￿सी भी j यिM त से जो आपिkयां या सुझाव ￿ाa त ह￿गे, कv ￿ीय सरकार ￿￿￿रा उन पर िवचार ￿या जाएगा। आपिkयां तथा सुझाव, य￿ कोई ह￿, ￿ी अजय मिलक, अवर सिचव , ￿म एवं रोजगार मं￿ालय, ￿म शि￿ भवन, रफ￿￿ागE, नई ￿h ली-110001 को संबोिधत ￿ए जाएं। 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II—SEC. 3(i)] मसौदा िनयम (1) ये िनयम कमEचारी राTय बीमा (के `￿ीय) संशोधन िनयम, 2016 कहे जाएंगे। (2) कमEचारी राTय बीमा (के `￿ीय) िनयम, 1950 मv िनयम 50 मv “पं￿ह हजार” शcद, जहां भी वे आएं, के mथान पर “इ￿￿ हजार” को ￿ ितmथा िपत ￿या जाए। [फा. सं. एस-38012/02/2013-सा.सु.- I] राजीव अरोड़ा, संयु￿ स िचव ￿￿a पणी :— मूल िनयमावली, संN या एस.आर.ओ. 212, ￿नांक 22 जून, 1950 ￿￿￿रा भारत का राजप￿, असाधारण, भाग II, खंड-3, उप-खंड (i) मv ￿कािशत क￿￿ई थी तथा संN या सा.का.िन. 598(अ), ￿नांक 14 जून, 2016 ￿￿￿रा अंितम बार संशोिधत क￿￿ई थी। MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 6th October, 2016 G.S.R. 957(E) .—Whereas certain draft rules further to amend the Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Rules, 1950 which the Central Government, after consultation with the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by section 95 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 (34 of 1948), is hereby published as required by sub-section (1) of the said section for information of all persons lik ely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby giv en that the said draft rules will be taken into considerati on after expiry of a period of thirty days from the date on which the copies of the Official Gazette in which t his notification is published, are made available to the public; The Objections or suggestions, which may be receive d from any person in respect of these draft rules within the period specified above, will be co nsidered by the Central Government; Objections and suggestions, if any, may be addresse d to Shri Ajay Malik, Under Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Shram Shakti Bha wan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001. DRAFT RULES (1) These rules may be called the Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Amendment Rules, 2016. (2) In the Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Rules, 1950, in rule 50, for the words “fifteen thousand”, wherever they occur, the words “twenty-o ne thousand” shall be substituted. . [F.No.S-38012/02/2013-SS-I] RAJEEV ARORA, Jt. Secy. Note : The principal rules were published in the Gazet te of India vide notification number S.R.O.212, dated the 22 nd June, 1950 and lastly amended vide notification nu mber G.S.R. 598(E), dated the 14th June, 2016. Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of Indi a Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.


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