1. Download new update patch for Eazy AUTO3 attached herewith. 2. Install “auto3update112+.exe” 3. Run EazyAUTO3 4. Click on “Import [Excel]” 5. Select “Ledgers” 6. Click on “Use Template”, it will open excel sheet for entering ledger names 7. Save excel sheet 8. Enter Sheet Name & Click on “Import [Excel 97-2007]” 9. After import click on “Post Ledgers in Tally” (Make sure that currently any company is opened in Tally) Another free function available for Daily/Monthly cash comparison. This option can be used for Cash budgeting purpose. Please note this update patch only will work if you have already downloaded Eazy AUTO3 from my earlier post. OTHERWISE download full version of Eazy AUTO3 from www.impressionsystems.com. This function also totally free!!! #zip

on 23 October 2008

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