National Horticulture Board (NHB) Capital Investment subsidy scheme for construction/expansion/ modernization of cold storage and storages for Horticulture Produce. The NHB is a sub-scheme under the MIDH. Under this scheme, any establishment of cold storage units of a capacity of above 5000 MT and up to 10000 MT and their modernization processes are eligible for availing assistance in the form of capital investment subsidy. The subsidy is available on construction, expansion and modernization of the cold storage for horticulture products.. Further, this is an open-ended credit-linked scheme with a scale of assistance at: 35% of the capital cost of the entire project in General Areas, and 50% of the capital cost of the entire project in North-Eastern, Hilly and Scheduled Areas of the India. a) Components Credit linked projects relating to Cold Storages including Controlled Atmosphere (CA) and their modernization are eligible for assistance under this component. b) Infrastructure/Activity and Crops eligible: a. Assistance for setting up of new Cold Storage infrastructure will be available only to Multi-Chamber cold Storage units with technologies which are energy efficient with provision of thermal insulation, humidity controlled, advance cooling systems, automation, etc, having specification and standards approved by the Ministry. To ensure, compliance of notified standards, all projects will be subjected to technical scrutiny by NHB empaneled Technical appraisal agency. b. In case of CA Stores, projects of temperate fruit crops located in production areas for which to NHB protocols are available, are only are allowed. c) Capacity and Pattern of Assistance: - The assistance will be given as subsidy @ 35% of the capital cost of project in general areas and 50% in case of NE, Hilly States & Scheduled Areas for a storage capacity above 5000 MT up to 10000 MT. In case of North East states, projects with a capacity of 1000 MT or above are also eligible for application and consideration. d) Calculation of Capacity for subsidy:- For calculation of capacity, 3.4 cubic meters (cum.) (120 cubic feet (cft.) of chamber volume shall be considered equivalent to 1 MT storage capacity. #pdf
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