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CS Professional programme Question papers

CS Professional programme Question papers...

Posted on 21 March 2012  (Downloads: 712) Students

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ICSI Directory

ICSI Directory...

Posted on 20 March 2012  (Downloads: 310) Others

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Summarized Recent Case Laws-Direct Tax-Relevant for May 2012

Summarized Recent Case Laws-Direct Tax-Relevant for May 2012 Exam...

Posted on 10 March 2012  (Downloads: 1445) Exams

docx File
33 KB

How to make your computer speak what you type

Here’s a cool little feature of Windows that can be abused so that you can make your computer talk or speak whatever you tell it! This method takes advantage of a built-in API installed on most Windows XP machines called SAPI (Speech Application Program...

Posted on 10 July 2011  (Downloads: 2208) Info Technology

xls File
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Word,Excel,Outlook,Internet Explorer and other shortcuts

Word,Excel,Outlook,Internet Explorer,windows and other important shortcuts in single file. Properly arranged with hyperlinks among sheets. very useful for all professionals & students...

Posted on 07 July 2011  (Downloads: 5274) Info Technology