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22 KB

All about a Dormant Company

Time will tell that this is going to be most sought after provision under the Companies Act, 2013 era. Get all about the niche provision at one place for your future reference. *P.S. It is assumed that there is no change in the draft rules published by ...

Posted on 22 October 2013  (Downloads: 302) Corporate Law

xlsx File
58 KB

Checklist Practical Approach to Companies Act 1956

This file is detailed version of my previous submission. Only those who have slightest understanding of Companies Act 2013 may benefit from it. If you are not aware with the Act, this file is useless for you. This is how I shall submit the complete file o...

Posted on 17 October 2013  (Downloads: 843) Corporate Law

docx File
19 KB

Practical Approach to Companies Act 2013

Assess the volume of efforts needed to be conversant with the Companies Act 2013. Here is a practical approach to get familiar with overall structure (Act, Rules and Forms) as intended by MCA. I will soon publish a very practical approach in excel sheet e...

Posted on 15 October 2013  (Downloads: 680) Corporate Law

xlsx File
486 KB

Companies Act 1956 vs companies bill 2012 all in excel

There are number of exclusive things attached with this file: 1. No where available in this format (Excel) because I have put whole lot of wit and sweat for the compilation. It shall be very useful for students and professionals of CA /CS/CWA / MBA / La...

Posted on 13 April 2013  (Downloads: 1477) Corporate Law

xlsx File
485 KB

Companies Act 1956 vs companies bill 2012

This file contains section wise reference i.e. comparative sections under existing act vs proposed bill. It also contains salient features of the bill....

Posted on 10 April 2013  (Downloads: 501) Corporate Law