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Standards on Auditing 200 to 620 [CA Final Nov 2015]

Vika's Notes on SA 200 to 620 - useful for quick and complete revision for CA Final students. This notes is a structured extract of the SAs....

Posted on 10 October 2015  (Downloads: 2079) Students

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316 KB

Penalty Chart for Companies Act 2013 [CA Final]

Vika's Notes - Penalty Chart - As applicable for Nov 2015 CA Final...

Posted on 30 September 2015  (Downloads: 1831) Students

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432 KB

Appeals and Revision - DT & IDT combined [CA Final]

Vika's Notes on Appeals and Revision - DT & IDT for CA Final Nov 2015...

Posted on 28 September 2015  (Downloads: 2256) Students

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438 KB

Producer Companies - Vika's Notes [CA Final]

Concise notes on Producer Companies for CA Final Nov 2015...

Posted on 25 August 2015  (Downloads: 1646) Students

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483 KB

Winding-up - Vika's Notes [CA Final Nov 2015]

The Chapter on Winding-up for CA Final made easy...

Posted on 24 August 2015  (Downloads: 1568) Students

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315 KB

Applicability of provisions of Companies Act 2013

Chart listing down the criteria such aas share capital, turnover etc for applicability - CA Final Nov 2015...

Posted on 07 August 2015  (Downloads: 823) Corporate Law

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30 KB

Penalties Chart for Companies Act 2013 [CA FINAL]

As applicable for Nov 2015 CA Final...

Posted on 06 August 2015  (Downloads: 3204) Students