Download Files uploaded by Ravi Jangid

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14 KB

Super Check list for Factory/Plant visit or audit

this is very useful check list for factory visit , plant visit and audit purposes. complete comprehensive check list covers almost all areas for plant's audit, check for plant's performance measurement....

Posted on 31 December 2015  (Downloads: 2073) Audit

docx File
17 KB

Calculation of Machine's electricity consumption

it's very useful working details for calculation of your company's plant's and machine wise electricity consumption. which is very useful for costing of products....

Posted on 31 December 2015  (Downloads: 651) Others

xlsx File
37 KB

Shares purchase sale register

a very usefull shares register for just put your shares transaction details rest this sheet will do automatically....

Posted on 09 February 2015  (Downloads: 720) Income Tax

xlsx File
37 KB

Automatic Shares purchase sale register

a very usefull shares register,just put your shares purchase/sale qty., rates and date rest of all work like closing stock and cpaital gain will be calculated automatically....

Posted on 09 February 2015  (Downloads: 931) Income Tax

doc File
47 KB

Engagement letter format

new comprihensive engagement letter format. ...

Posted on 06 December 2013  (Downloads: 1121) Audit

doc File
59 KB

Management Letter format as per Revise Schedule VI

new M.L. format very useful for all types of companies....

Posted on 06 December 2013  (Downloads: 886) Corporate Law

doc File
47 KB

New Audit Engagement letter

new audit engagement letter useful for listed & other companies...

Posted on 05 December 2013  (Downloads: 775) Audit

xlsx File
30 KB

Best ever working for Deferred tax

here are comprihencive working of deferred tax with example. ...

Posted on 30 November 2013  (Downloads: 3432) Income Tax