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Fees for technical services - DTAA

Covers Article on fees for technical services of the DTAA in general....

Posted on 17 September 2011  (Downloads: 507) Income Tax

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129 KB

Royalty - DTAA

Covers 'royalty' part from DTAA - Article 12....

Posted on 08 July 2011  (Downloads: 135) Income Tax

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159 KB

Business Profits (DTAA-Article 7)

Covers article 7 of the DTAA govering business profits....

Posted on 18 June 2011  (Downloads: 608) Income Tax

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89 KB

Shipping & Air transport (DTAA Article 8)

Covers article 8 of the DTAA i.e.,income from shipping & air tranport activities...

Posted on 06 June 2011  (Downloads: 417) Income Tax

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101 KB

Income from Immovable Property(DTAA-Article 6)

Covers article 6 of the DTAA i.e., income from immovable property....

Posted on 04 June 2011  (Downloads: 234) Income Tax

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208 KB

Permanent Establishment (PE)

Covers PE concept as under article 5 of the DTAA....

Posted on 02 June 2011  (Downloads: 456) Income Tax

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83 KB

Overview of DTAA

Basics on DTAA...

Posted on 31 May 2011  (Downloads: 436) Income Tax