Download Files uploaded by Sagar

xla File
54 KB

word to dollar

this addin will convert the number in excel to Dollars by use of function word(cell refrence)...

Posted on 02 March 2008  (Downloads: 117) Others

xla File
43 KB

no. to word in rupees

This is the latest file of converting word to nos. It has some bugs fixed in the one uploaded earlier. From now on please download this file.Method to use it is the same. Go to MS Excel>tools>Addins>Browse navgate it to the downloaded file. A new funtion...

Posted on 02 March 2008  (Downloads: 349) Others

xla File
199 KB

number to word converter

This is a addin to excel.in excel go to tools addins. browse to the file and use the addin. the addin can be used with the formula =word(cellno.)...

Posted on 19 February 2008  (Downloads: 734) Others

xls File
24 KB

Depreciation calculator

It will calculate depn of all the assets at the rates u specify please follow the instructions incudedin the file....

Posted on 19 February 2008  (Downloads: 2031) Income Tax

xls File
28 KB

fbt calc in excel

calculates fbt...

Posted on 19 February 2008  (Downloads: 352) Income Tax