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Comparative analysis on changes in ISCA 2014 Edition

Comparative analysis on changes in ISCA 2014 Edition - CA. [Audio and {pdf]. Detail chart, parawise. To help student community that 70-80% concept is still relevant & remove the panic. Feel relief - From www.dhullasir.com...

Posted on 14 October 2014  (Downloads: 561) Students

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Changes Comparative details – CA Final ISCA-V.1 v/s ISCA-V.2

CA Final ISCA syllabus have been updated. Hence an Comparative details – ISCA-V.1 v/s ISCA-V.2 - Audio Article [Free] - from www.dhullasir.com...

Posted on 11 September 2010  (Downloads: 1675) Students

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Cyber Law - Comparision and summary

Information Technology [Amendment] Act 2008 - Audio Article [Free] - from www.dhullasir.com...

Posted on 12 April 2010  (Downloads: 622) Info Technology