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FAS 71-Accounting for Certain Types of Regulation

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 02 November 2007  (Downloads: 61) Accounts

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651 KB

FAS 69-Disclosure about Oil and Gas Producing Activities

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 02 November 2007  (Downloads: 90) Accounts

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166 KB

FAS 68-Research and Development Arrangements

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 31 October 2007  (Downloads: 67) Accounts

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1745 KB

FAS 66-Accounting for Sales of Real Estate

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 24 October 2007  (Downloads: 453) Accounts

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189 KB

FAS 63-Financial Reporting by Broadcasters

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 22 October 2007  (Downloads: 61) Accounts

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191 KB

FAS 65-Accounting for Certain Mortgage Banking Activities

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 22 October 2007  (Downloads: 95) Accounts

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244 KB

FAS 60-Accounting and Reporting by Insurance Enterprises

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 21 October 2007  (Downloads: 127) Accounts

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43 KB

FAS 61-Accounting for Title Plant

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 21 October 2007  (Downloads: 59) Accounts

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81 KB

FAS 56-Designation of AICPA Guide and Statement of Position (SOP)

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 20 October 2007  (Downloads: 75) Accounts

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145 KB

fas57-Related Party Disclosures

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 20 October 2007  (Downloads: 139) Accounts