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Guidance Note

Guidance Note for Accounting for Oil & Gas producing...

Posted on 17 December 2009  (Downloads: 378) Income Tax

xls File
589 KB

Excel formulas

Various type of excel formulas...

Posted on 07 March 2009  (Downloads: 994) Others

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536 KB

Data Structure & C Programming

For IT Students...

Posted on 03 March 2009  (Downloads: 122) Career

pdf File
763 KB

Maths for Management

Maths for Management ...

Posted on 28 February 2009  (Downloads: 344) Career

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858 KB

Principles of Accountancy

Basic Bookkeeping and accounts...

Posted on 28 February 2009  (Downloads: 654) Career

pdf File
1104 KB

Accounting for Managers

Accounting for Managers...

Posted on 28 February 2009  (Downloads: 325) Career

pdf File
1628 KB

Business Economics

Business of Economics...

Posted on 28 February 2009  (Downloads: 372) Career