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List of Productivity Apps for Professionals

To understand in detail about all these apps, head over to our webinar on the same - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tzls_UIQQ8...

Posted on 01 December 2020  (Downloads: 1060) Others

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221 KB

Summary of New Guidelines for NBFC Sector

Summary of New Guidelines for NBFC Sector Read more at: Summary of New Guidelines for NBFC as announced by notification 10th November, 2014. The guidelines has come with sweeping changes for NBFC sector and compliances aspects. The file summarises in l...

Posted on 13 November 2014  (Downloads: 461) Corporate Law

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A Case Study on Branding and Re-Branding your Business-Hero

A Case Study on Branding and Re-Branding your Business – Hero Moto Corp. A case of Hero-Honda partnership in India, before and after. When the brand was Hero-Honda, it was selling two wheelers in India like hot cakes. Now, after the demerger of Hero and...

Posted on 22 July 2014  (Downloads: 76) Others

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How to Prepare for Theory Subjects - Professional Exams

A guide to prepare for theory subjects in professional exams. Simple techniques that will make a big difference in your ultimate results. ...

Posted on 07 July 2014  (Downloads: 1076) Students

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How to Prepare for Practical Subjects

The article contains guidance for CA students how they should prepare practical subjects. many students in past have failed miserably by adopting wrong methods. This article will help you avoid that mistakes. ...

Posted on 16 June 2014  (Downloads: 1514) Students

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Business - your culture decides your future

In this article, i have tried to explain how culture of organisation decides how the business will grow and how well the organisation will be able to face the future. What are the small cultural changes that can be brought in the organisation which may le...

Posted on 16 June 2014  (Downloads: 559) Others

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Leadership lessons from Mothers

We are so obsessed with analyzing the Big Business tycoons and world leaders that we ignore the simple leadership lessons we have forgotten to take from our own mother. Lets enjoy this article and thank our mom. ...

Posted on 02 June 2014  (Downloads: 395) Others

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Busituality - When Business meets Spirituality

A simple concept where business can learn a lot more things from religions and spirituality. Leaders can lead people in a better manner if the concepts are applied correctly. ...

Posted on 02 June 2014  (Downloads: 183) Others

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Freedom Psychology - Secret of Google Success Story

Its all about Freedom Psychology. What I call it as Freechology. Impact of giving freedom to your workforce on the means of achieving your aims you vision. Simple ideas to make your organisation a great organisation. Especially useful for IT industry and ...

Posted on 02 June 2014  (Downloads: 295) Others

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Small Steps for Better Leadership and Better Life

This article is aimed to bring some smallest changes in our lives which may lead to long lasting impact on the whole organization we own, we lead, we serve, or the organization where you are holding some managerial or leadership position. Not only for lea...

Posted on 21 May 2014  (Downloads: 938) Others

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Memory Techniques to Remember Section Numbers

The file contains simple technique where by you can develop your imagination power as well as easily remember section numbers. The technique can be used to remember any numbers. Phone number of particular persons or anything. ...

Posted on 21 May 2014  (Downloads: 2528) Students

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Good to Great - What an Organisation takes to be great

The file contains basic ideas about what is leadership in current times, how an organisation can become great from just a good organisation. What are the qualities and practices that are necessary. A pure delightful subject for aspiring leaders. ...

Posted on 20 May 2014  (Downloads: 283) Others

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Human Side of Business Growth Problem

The basic issue relating to employee management is being discussed in this article. Business houses can apply fresh thinking and can initiate change in organisations. ...

Posted on 15 May 2014  (Downloads: 165) Others

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Our Profession is in Serious Danger

The write up contains views on serious situation of current small and medium practitioners giving their services. The same contains few basic problems and few probable solutions to tackle the issues we are facing as of now. Our change in thinking can go ...

Posted on 05 May 2014  (Downloads: 1452) Others

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Who am I? I am a Champion

The file contains a two pager motivational speech which has the potential of changing our life. Please make best use of it and keep it in front of you and read it whenever you can. Dont forget to make others also to read. ...

Posted on 26 April 2014  (Downloads: 974) Others

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Health Issues Relating to Tea, Coffee and Soft Drinks

In simple understandable language, discussed Health Issues Relating to Tea, Coffee and Soft Drinks (Caffeinated Substances). Especially energy drinks becoming popular in youngsters. ...

Posted on 17 April 2014  (Downloads: 316) Others

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Science of Improving Your Memory - A CA's Experience

A ten minutes quick guide which will in simple language, tried to explain basic science of how memory works and what can we do to improve the same. I expect the file to benefit students and all professionals and all human beings at large. ...

Posted on 16 April 2014  (Downloads: 2152) Others

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Health Issues Relating to Tea, Coffee and Soft Drinks

The article states various Health Issues Relating to Tea, Coffee and Soft Drinks (Caffeinated Substances). The issue relating to energy drinks like Red Bull has triggered a lot of controversies in the world and compelled me to make the readers aware of th...

Posted on 16 April 2014  (Downloads: 384) Others

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CA Course Guidance and The Career Journey Ahead

The file contains a Chartered Accountant's Experience of his journey in completing Chartered Accountancy. He also shares some insight on career choice and practical tips in choosing your career. Must read for everyone. ...

Posted on 12 April 2014  (Downloads: 1084) Students

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Science behind Why we sleep and Importance of Adequate Sleep

In layman language, it has been analysed that why proper sleep is necessary. Science behind Why we sleep and Importance of Adequate Sleep. ...

Posted on 09 April 2014  (Downloads: 1814) Others

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