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The concept of Significant People Function

SPF analtysis is gaining significance as it enbale to benchmark those people who conduct fundamental business function that lead to assumption of risk, the ownership of assets, or the on-going management of those risk & assets. ...

Posted on 19 November 2014  (Downloads: 210) Income Tax

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1591 KB

Income tax legal glossary compilation

Income tax legal glossary compilation...

Posted on 08 May 2009  (Downloads: 655) Income Tax

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Understanding international tax treaties

Understanding international tax treaties...

Posted on 07 January 2009  (Downloads: 394) Income Tax

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167 KB

PE attribution - case laws

PE attribution - case laws...

Posted on 07 January 2009  (Downloads: 216) Income Tax

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61 KB

Understanding tax treaty - with tax plans

Understanding tax treaty - with tax plans...

Posted on 07 January 2009  (Downloads: 283) Income Tax