Income Tax Files

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453 KB

Presentation UB 0708

Presentation UB 0708 - PPP...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 82) Income Tax

doc File
29 KB

No relaxation on registration of charitable trusts as June 1 deadline to claim tax exemption

No relaxation on registration of charitable trusts as June 1 deadline to claim tax exemption ...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 164) Income Tax

pdf File
23 KB

Digest of Articles on Concealment

Contains articles on concealment noted by me during last 20 years of my practice...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 96) Income Tax

pdf File
85 KB

Digest of Articles on Search and Seizure

Contains list of articles on search and seizure I have noted during last twenty years of my practice...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 181) Income Tax

doc File
85 KB

Srilanka - DTAA

Srilanka - Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 157) Income Tax

doc File
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Tax Information Network (TIN)

Tax Information Network (TIN)...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 91) Income Tax

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26 KB

Types of the assessments under Income Tax

Types of the assessments under Income Tax...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 251) Income Tax

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25 KB



Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 59) Income Tax

doc File
42 KB

Income Tax - Some usefull and important defination

Income Tax - Some usefull and important defination...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 182) Income Tax

doc File
30 KB

Get Relief from DTAA

How to get relief from DTAA....

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 119) Income Tax

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41 KB

Income-tax return forms - No longer Saral

Income-tax return forms - No longer Saral...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 60) Income Tax

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29 KB

Amendment to Rule 6DD

Amendment to Rule 6DD...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 67) Income Tax

doc File
41 KB

Understanding intricacies of Minimum Alternate Tax

Understanding intricacies of Minimum Alternate Tax...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 505) Income Tax

pdf File
153 KB

Salaries I

Salaries - IT Act Lesson...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 392) Income Tax

pdf File
204 KB

Salaries II

Salaries II - IT act - Lesson...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 229) Income Tax

doc File
580 KB

Wealth tax ,1957

Wealth tax 1957 - In word format...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 244) Income Tax

doc File
142 KB

History of Taxation

History of Taxation (Direct Tax) - Word format...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 120) Income Tax

doc File
41 KB

Some IT relevant Case Laws

Some IT relevant Case Laws...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 120) Income Tax

doc File
66 KB

Overview of Capital Gains

Overview of Capital Gains...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 295) Income Tax

doc File
27 KB

Housing Loan the best way to save tax

Housing Loan the best way to save tax...

Posted on 25 September 2007  (Downloads: 329) Income Tax