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Accounts Files

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81 KB

FAS 56-Designation of AICPA Guide and Statement of Position (SOP)

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 20 October 2007  (Downloads: 75) Accounts

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145 KB

fas57-Related Party Disclosures

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 20 October 2007  (Downloads: 139) Accounts

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46 KB

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57 KB

FAS 43-Accounting for Compensated Absences

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 18 October 2007  (Downloads: 73) Accounts

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187 KB

FAS 44-Accounting for Intangible Assets of Motor Carriers

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 18 October 2007  (Downloads: 82) Accounts

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68 KB

FAS 45-Accounting for Franchise Fee Revenue

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 18 October 2007  (Downloads: 219) Accounts

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28 KB

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170 KB

FAS 47-Disclosure of Long-term Obligations

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 18 October 2007  (Downloads: 45) Accounts

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56 KB

FAS 48-Revenue Recognition when Right of Return Exists

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 18 October 2007  (Downloads: 65) Accounts

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155 KB

FAS 49-Accounting for Product Financing Arrgangements

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 18 October 2007  (Downloads: 39) Accounts

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136 KB

FAS 50-Financial Reporting in Record and Music Industry

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 18 October 2007  (Downloads: 43) Accounts

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66 KB

FAS 51-Financial Reporting by Cable Television Companies

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 18 October 2007  (Downloads: 58) Accounts

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365 KB

FAS 52-Foreign Currency Translation

Issued by Financial Accouting Standards Board...

Posted on 18 October 2007  (Downloads: 160) Accounts

pdf File
125 KB

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