Hello ,
I m VINOD PANDEY from Delhi, I m an IPCC student n also doing B.com. By nature m simple, honest, emotional and love to studies always try to learn something new technical and interesting. I live life in my own special way. Always do whatever I think. Make own rules and follow them.
and my weakness is can learn from own mistake only.
"A small dot can stop a big sentence. But, few more dots can give a continuity. Amazing but True.... "Every ending can be new beginning.
I strongly believe in 'law of attraction' 4d's’
every person have some quality ,but every one have something different than others.
I continue to maintain my positive attitude when i face huge difficulty in my life.
" Every king was once a crying baby & every great building was once a blue print. so "Its doesn’t matter where u r today but where u reach tomorrow" That's Life
Your suggestion advice is key of my success and always welcome and happy to be friendship with a professionals with positive attitude, full of Zeal and working passion with extra smart technical people just like you..
Thanks with best regards.
vinod pandey.