P.R. Sethuraman

Chartered Accountantant






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About me

  Member Since : 06 August 2015  (Mumbai)

The author is a Chartered Accountant with nearly 50 years post qualification experience in industry serving both in Public and private sector as well in audit. He served in various capacities both in Finance and in Internal Audit Division. His experience in industry covers entire spectrum of finance, accounts and management audit. And has a taste of audit and assurance services for over a decade.

He has contributed a number of articles in his middle age(during seventies and eighties of bygone century) to a leading economic paper as well to the Chartered Accountant Journal. The articles cover an array of subjects on taxation; export promotion, company law retirement benefits, economic development, working capital management, etc. Most of the articles are editorial page articles.

He keeps himself of academic interest.

His hobbies include writing poems in English. He has been awarded poet of merit by International Society of Poets. His poems are already published under the head ‘A to Z’ by Phoenix International Publication His book on 'DISCUSSION GALORE' WAS PULISHED BY Power Publishers in 2014.  May be referred to www.prsethuraman.com 

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