The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Fast Track Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2017

Last updated: 16 June 2017

 Notice Date : 14 June 2017



New Delhi, the June 14, 2017

IBBI/2017-18/GN/REG 012 – In exercise of the powers conferred under sections 58, 196 and 208 read with section 240 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (31 of 2016), the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India hereby makes the following Regulations, namely‑



1. Short title and commencement.

(1) These Regulations may be called the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Fast Track Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2017.

(2) These Regulations shall come into force on June 14, 2017.

(3) These Regulations shall apply to the fast track process under Chapter W of Part II of the Code.

2. Definitions.

(1) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires‑

(a) “applicant” means the person filing an application under Chapter W of Part II of the Code;

(b) “Code” means the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016;

(c) “Code of Conduct” means the code of conduct for insolvency professionals as set out in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Professionals) Regulations, 2016;

(d) “committee” means a committee of creditors established under section 21;

(e) “dissenting fmancial creditors” means the financial creditors who voted against the resolution plan approved by the committee;

(f) “electronic form” shall have the meaning assigned to it in the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000);

(g) “electronic means” means an authorized and secured computer programme which is capable of producing confirmation of sending communication to the participant entitled to receive such communication at the last electronic mail address provided by such participant and keeping record of such communication;

(h) “fast track process” means the fast track insolvency resolution process for corporate persons under Chapter W of Part II of the Code;

(i) “fast track process costs” means the costs in Regulation 30;

(j) “fast track process period” means the period of ninety days beginning from the fast track commencement date and ending on the ninetieth day;

(k) “identification number” means the Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, or the Corporate Identity Number under the Companies Act, 2013, as the case may be;

(l) “fast track commencement date” means the date of admission of an application by the Adjudicating Authority for initiating the fast track process under Chapter W of Part II of the Code;

(m) “insolvency professional entity” means an entity recognised as such under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Professionals) Regulations, 2016;

(n) “liquidation value” means the amount determined in accordance with Regulation 34;

(o) “participant” means a person entitled to attend a meeting of the committee under section 24 or any other person authorised by the committee to attend the meeting;

(p) “registered valuer” means a person registered as such in accordance with the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and rules made thereunder;

(q) “section” means section of the Code;

(r) “video conferencing or other audio and visual means” means such audio and visual facility which enables the participants in a meeting to communicate concurrently with one another and to participate effectively in the meeting.

(2) Unless the context otherwise requires, words and expressions used and not defined in these Regulations, but defined in the Code, shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Code.


3. Eligibility for resolution professional.

(1) An insolvency professional shall be eligible to be appointed as a resolution professional for a fast track process of a corporate debtor if he, and all partners and directors of the insolvency professional entity of which he is a partner or director, are independent of the corporate debtor.

Explanation– A person shall be considered independent of the corporate debtor, if he –

(a) is eligible to be appointed as an independent director on the board of the corporate debtor under section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013), where the corporate debtor is a company;

(b) is not a related party of the corporate debtor; or

(c) has not been an employee or proprietor or a partner:

1) of a firm of auditors or company secretaries in practice or cost auditors of the corporate debtor; or

2) of a legal or a consulting firm, which has or had any transaction with the corporate debtor amounting to ten per cent or more of the gross turnover of such firm,

at any time in the preceding three years.

(2) An insolvency professional shall not be eligible to be appointed as a resolution professional if he, or the insolvency professional entity of which he is a partner or director, is under a restraint order of the Board.

(3) An insolvency professional shall make disclosures at the time of his appointment and thereafter in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

(4) An insolvency professional shall not continue as a resolution professional if the insolvency professional entity of which he is a director or a partner, or any other partner or director of such insolvency professional entity represents any other stakeholders in the same fast track process.

4. Access to books.

Without prejudice to section 17(2)(d), the interim resolution professional may access the books of account, records and other relevant documents and information, to the extent relevant for discharging his duties under the Code, of the corporate debtor held with‑

(a) depositories of securities;

(b) professional advisors of the corporate debtor;

(c) information utilities;

(d) other registries that record the ownership of assets;

(e) members, promoters, partners, board of directors and joint venture partners of the corporate debtor; and

(f) contractual counterparties of the corporate debtor.

5. Extortionate credit transaction.

A transaction shall be considered an extortionate credit transaction under section 50(2) where the terms:

(a) require the corporate debtor to make exorbitant payments in respect of the credit provided; or

(b) are unconscionable under the principles of law relating to contracts.



6. Public announcement.

(1) An insolvency professional shall make a public announcement immediately on his appointment as an interim resolution professional.

Explanation: ‘Immediately’ means not later than three days from the date of his appointment.

(2) The public announcement referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall –

(a) be in Form A;

(b) (i) be published in one English and one regional language newspaper with wide circulation at the location of the registered office and principal office, if any, of the corporate debtor and any other location where in the opinion of the interim resolution professional, the corporate debtor conducts material business operations;

(ii) be hosted on the website, if any, of the corporate debtor; and

(iii) be hosted on the website, if any, designated by the Board for the purpose,

(c) provide the last date for submission of proofs of claim, which shall be ten days from the date of appointment of the interim resolution professional.

(3) The applicant shall bear the expenses of the public announcement which may be reimbursed by the committee to the extent it ratifies them.

Explanation-The expenses on the public announcement shall not form part of fast track process costs.



7. Claims by operational creditors.

(1) An operational creditor, other than workman or employee of the corporate debtor, shall submit proof of his claim to the interim resolution professional in person, by post or by electronic means in Form B.

Provided that such person may submit supplementary documents or clarifications in support of the claim before the constitution of the committee.

(2) The existence of debt due to the operational creditor under this Regulation may be proved on the basis of‑

(a) the records available with an information utility, if any; or

(b) other relevant documents, including –

(i) a contract for the supply of goods and services with corporate debtor;

(ii) an invoice demanding payment for the goods and services supplied to the corporate debtor;

(iii) an order of a court or tribunal that has adjudicated upon the non-payment of a debt, if any; or

(iv) financial accounts.

8. Claims by financial creditors.

(1) A financial creditor shall submit proof of claim to the interim resolution professional in electronic form in Form C:

Provided that such person may submit supplementary documents or clarifications in support of the claim before the constitution of the committee.

(2) The existence of debt due to the financial creditor may be proved on the basis of –

(a) the records available with an information utility, if any; or

(b) other relevant documents, including –

(i) a financial contract supported by financial statements as evidence of the debt;

(ii) a record evidencing that the amounts committed by the financial creditor to the corporate debtor under a facility has been drawn by the corporate debtor;

(iii) financial statements showing that the debt has not been repaid; or

(iv) an order of a court or tribunal that has adjudicated upon the non-payment of a debt, if any.

9. Claims by workmen and employees.

(1) A workman or an employee of the corporate debtor shall submit proof of claim to the interim resolution professional in person, by post or by electronic means in Form D:

Provided that such person may submit supplementary documents or clarifications in support of the claim, on his own or if required by the interim resolution professional, before the constitution of the committee.

(2) Where there are dues to numerous workmen or employees of the corporate debtor, an authorised representative may submit one proof of claim for all such dues on their behalf in Form E.

(3) The existence of dues to workmen or employees may be proved by them, individually or collectively on the basis of –

(a) records available with an information utility, if any; or

(b) other relevant documents, including –

(i) a proof of employment such as contract of employment for the period for which such workman or employee is claiming dues;

(ii) evidence of notice demanding payment of unpaid dues and any documentary or other proof that payment has not been made; or

(iii) an order of a court or tribunal that has adjudicated upon the non-payment of a dues, if any.

10. Substantiation of claims.

The interim resolution professional or the resolution professional, as the case may be, may call for such other evidence or clarification as he deems fit from a creditor for substantiating the whole or part of its claim.

11. Cost of proof proving the debt

A creditor shall bear the cost of proving the debt due to such creditor.

12. Submission of proof of claims.

(1) Subject to sub-regulation (2), a creditor shall submit proof of his claim on or before the last date mentioned in the public announcement.

(2) A creditor, who failed to submit proof of claim within the time stipulated in the public announcement, may submit proof of such claim to the interim resolution professional or the resolution professional, as the case may be, till the approval of a resolution plan by the committee.

(3) Where the creditor in sub-regulation (2) is a financial creditor, it shall be included in the
committee from the date of admission of such claim:

Provided that such inclusion shall not affect the validity of any decision taken by the committee prior to such inclusion.

13. Verification of claims.

(1) The interim resolution professional or the resolution professional, as the case may be, shall verify every claim, as on the fast track commencement date, within seven days from the last date of the receipt of the claims, and thereupon maintain a list of creditors containing names of creditors along with the amount claimed by them, the amount of their claims admitted and the security interest, if any, in respect of such claims, and update it.

(2) The list of creditors shall be –

(a) available for inspection by the persons who submitted proofs of claim;

(b) available for inspection by members, partners, directors and guarantors of the corporate debtor;

(c) displayed on the website, if any, of the corporate debtor;

(d) filed with the Adjudicating Authority; and

(e) presented at the first meeting of the committee.

14. Determination of amount of claim.

(1) Where the amount claimed by a creditor is not precise or cannot be determined due to any contingency or other reason, the interim resolution professional or the resolution professional, as the case maybe, shall make the best estimate of the amount of the claim based on the information available with him.

(2) The interim resolution professional or the resolution professional, as the case may be, shall revise the amount of claims admitted, including the estimates of claims made under sub-regulation (1), as soon as may be practicable, when he receives additional information warranting such revision.

15. Debt in foreign currency.

The claims denominated in foreign currency shall be valued in Indian currency at the official exchange rate as on the fast track commencement date.

Explanation – “official exchange rate” means the reference rate published by the Reserve Bank of India or derived from such reference rates.



16. Committee with only operational creditors.

(1) Where the corporate debtor has no fmancial debt or where all financial creditors are related parties of the corporate debtor, the committee shall be set up in accordance with this Regulation.

(2) The committee formed under this Regulation shall consist of following members: –

(a) eighteen largest operational creditors by value:

Provided that if the number of operational creditors is less than eighteen, the committee shall include all such operational creditors;

(b) one representative elected by all workmen other than those workmen included under sub-clause (a); and

(c) one representative elected by all employees other than those employees included under sub-clause (a).

(3) Every member of the committee formed under this Regulation shall have voting rights in proportion of the debt due to such creditor or debt represented by such representative, as the case may be, to the total debt.

Explanation -F or the purposes of this sub-regulation, ‘total debt’ means the sum of‑

(a) the amount of debt due to the creditors listed in sub-regulation 2(a);

(b) the amount of the aggregate debt due to workmen under sub-regulation 2(b); and

(c) the amount of the aggregate debt due to employees under sub-regulation 2(c).

(4) A committee formed under this Regulation and its members shall have the same rights, powers, duties and obligations as a committee comprising financial creditors and its members, as the case may be.

17. Filings by the interim resolution professional.

(1) The interim resolution professional shall file a report certifying the constitution of the committee to the Adjudicating Authority on or before the expiry of twenty-one days from the date of his appointment.

(2) Based on records of the corporate debtor and claims, if the interim resolution professional is of the opinion that the fast track process is not applicable to the corporate debtor as per notifications under section 55(2), he shall file an application to the Adjudicating Authority along with the report in sub-regulation (1), to pass an order converting the fast track process to corporate insolvency resolution process under Chapter II of Part II of the Code.

(3) If the Adjudicating Authority passes an order converting fast track to corporate insolvency resolution process on an application under sub-regulation (2), the process shall be carried on in accordance with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016.

(4) The interim resolution professional shall convene the first meeting of the committee within seven days of filing the report(s) under this Regulation.



18. Meetings of the committee.

A resolution professional may convene a meeting of the committee as and when he considers necessary, and shall convene a meeting if a request to that effect is made by members of the committee representing thirty-three per cent of the voting rights.

19. Notice for meetings of the committee.

(1) Subject to this Regulation, a meeting of the committee shall be called by giving not less than seven days’ notice in writing to every creditor, delivered at the address he has provided to the resolution professional and such notice may be served by hand delivery, or by registered post but in any event, be served on every participant by electronic means in accordance with Regulation 20.

(2) The committee may reduce the notice period from seven days to such other period of not less than twenty four hours, as it deems fit.

20. Service of notice by electronic means.

(1) A notice by electronic means may be sent to the participants through e-mail as a text or as an attachment to e-mail or as a notification providing electronic link or Uniform Resource Locator for accessing such notice.

(2) The subject line in e-mail shall state the name of the corporate debtor, the place, if any, the time and the date on which the meeting is scheduled.

(3) If notice is sent in the form of a non-editable attachment to an e-mail, such attachment shall be in the Portable Document Format or in a non-editable format together with a ‘link or instructions’ for recipient for downloading relevant version of the software.

(4) When notice or notifications of availability of notice are sent by an e-mail, the resolution professional shall ensure that it uses a system which produces confirmation of the total number of recipients e-mailed and a record of each recipient to whom the notice has been sent and copy of such record and any notices of any failed transmissions and subsequent re-sending shall be retained as -proof of sending-.

(5) The obligation of the resolution professional shall be satisfied when he transmits the e­mail and he shall not be held responsible for a failure in transmission beyond its control.

(6) The notice made available on the electronic link or Uniform Resource Locator shall be readable, and the recipient should be able to obtain and retain copies and the resolution professional shall give the complete Uniform Resource Locator or address of the website and full details of how to access the document or information.

(7) If a creditor, other than a member of the committee, fails to provide or update the relevant e-mail address to the resolution professional, the non-receipt of such notice by such participant of any meeting shall not invalidate the decisions taken at such meeting.

21. Contents of the notice for meeting.

(1) The notice shall inform the participants of the venue, the time and date of the meeting and of the option available to them to participate through video conferencing or other audio and visual means, and shall also provide all the necessary information to enable participation through such means.

(2) The notice of the meeting shall provide that a creditor may attend and vote in the meeting either in person or through an authorised representative:

Provided that such creditor shall inform the resolution professional, in advance of the meeting, of the identity of the authorised representative who will attend and vote at the meeting on its behalf.

Please refer to the attached file for details


Notification No : IBBI/2017-18/GN/REG 012
Published in Corporate Law
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