Non-Resident Deposits - Comprehensive Single Return (NRD-CSR): Submission under XBRL

Last updated: 09 August 2013

 Notice Date : 07 August 2013

A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 19

August 7, 2013


All Banks Authorised to deal in Foreign Exchange

Madam / Sir,

Non-Resident Deposits - Comprehensive Single Return (NRD-CSR):
Submission under XBRL

Attention of banks maintaining Non-Resident Deposits (NRD) Accounts is invited to A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.55 dated May 9, 2007 on NRD-CSR software package being used by the banks for submission of detailed monthly data on non-resident deposits to the Reserve Bank.

2. It has been decided to move the NRD-CSR reporting to eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) platform to provide validations for processing requirement in respect of existing NRD schemes, improve data quality, enhance the security-level in data submission, and enable banks to use various features of XBRL-based data submission, and tracking. The existing formats of NRD-CSR have also been rationalised for reporting bank-wise consolidated data under XBRL. This would replace the existing system where banks generate the NRD-CSR DAT file from RBI-provided software and submit NRD data through e-mail attachment to our Department of Statistics and Information Management (DSIM), Central Office (CO), on monthly basis.

3. The revised NRD-CSR format, maturity codes, record types and the validations checks are provided in the Annex. For monthly NRD-CSR submission on XBRL platform by nodal office of banks, the Reserve Bank has provided the following two alternatives:

        i.            Banks can download the RBI’s NRD-CSR template by logging to the RBI’s OnlineReporting web-page (http://orfs.rbi.org.in) (Path: Homepage → XBRL-based filing → (enter user name / password) → Download Returns Package → Form NRD-CSR) and use the same to generate instance document (.xml file) after entering details. The instance document can be uploaded on RBI’s XBRL page. The Reserve Bank (DSIM, CO) will provide User name and Password to all banks for NRD-CSR for this purpose.

      ii.            Banks can use any publically available XBRL tool in relation with their internal database and build NRD-CSR discipline prescribed by RBI, for generation of instance document (.xml file) and upload the same on RBI’s XBRL page.

In addition, banks can also generate instance document in the prescribed format from their internal system, if it provides such flexibility.

4. It has been decided to switch-over to the XBRL-based NRD-CSR reporting from October 2013. Accordingly, banks are required to capture the NRD-CSR data for XBRL submission from October 1, 2013 (“Go-Live” date). It has been also decided to retain the current prescription of NRD-CSR reporting on or before 10th of the month following the month to which the NRD data pertains. As such, banks may submit the XBRL-compliant NRD-CSR data for October 2013 on or before November 10, 2013. The current email-based reporting of NRD-CSR data would continue for reporting NRD data up to September 2013. The Reserve Bank would not provide any support towards the usage of legacy NRD-CSR software (v3.0) after the “Go-Live” date.

5. To facilitate testing of the bank’s NRD-CSR data in the XBRL-based NRD-CSR reporting, the Reserve Bank has enabled a test environment ( for use by reporting banks before “Go-Live”. Banks can also download the NRD-CSR Returns Package (login with user_name / password → Download Returns Package → Form NRD-CSR).From “Help” menu of this test-site, banks can also downloadthe Manual on XBRL-based Submission which indicates the processes for creation of bank-checker/bank-maker by bank–superuser with respective user_name and password, and provides other information required for the reporting system.

6. Reporting banks would be shortly receiving user_name and password along with bank_code for login to the test-site in their respective email-ids, through which they submit NRD-CSR data to RBI (DSIM,CO) under the existing system. In case of any change/difficulties, concerned banks may send a request to the email for assistance.

7. Further, the Reserve Bank would also provide training on “NRD-CSR submission under XBRL” to the officers/software personnel of the reporting banks before “Go-Live”. Separate communication is being sent to reporting banks for this purpose. For any assistance during testing or live periods, banks may contact XBRL helpdesk (‘Contact us’ menu in the homepage of the test-site before the “Go-Live” date and on the ORFS site subsequently).

8. The directions contained in this circular have been issued under Sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999) and is without prejudice to permissions / approvals, if any, required under any other law.

Yours faithfully,

Chief General Manager

Note: A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.55 dated May 9, 2007  check below

NRD-CSR Application Package upgraded to Version 3.0

A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 55

May 09, 2007


All Banks Authorised to Deal in Foreign Exchange

Madam / Sir,

Upgradation of Non-Resident Deposits–Comprehensive Single Return 
(NRD-CSR)- Version 2.1(R) to Version 3.0

Attention of banks maintaining Non-Resident Deposit (NRD) Accounts is invited to A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 99 dated April 30, 2003, in terms of which the data on Non-Resident Deposits is required to be submitted in the CSR format on a monthly basis based on the recommendation of the National Statistical Commission.

2. Rationale for the new version – The existing NRD-CSR version 2.1 (R) application package has been revised and upgraded to version 3.0 due to the following changes that have taken place recently :


Modification in the IBS format on account of the implementation of the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) System of compilation of International Banking Statistics (IBS) of India;


Addition of two new currencies viz. Australian Dollar (AUD) and Canadian Dollar (CAD) and increase in the maturity buckets in the FCNR (B) deposits [cf DBOD. Dir. BC. 22 / 13.03.00/ 2005-06 dated July 26, 2005]; and


Need to provide useful tools to the user banks.


Accordingly, NRD-CSR (version 3.0) has been developed to capture the above developments, in a user friendly manner. Further, the Stat Returns have also been modified.

3. Manner of Submission

As per the extant guidelines, banks authorised to deal in foreign exchange are submitting Stat 5 for FCNR (B) accounts and Stat 8 for NRE accounts to the Foreign Exchange Department, Reserve Bank of India, Trade Division, Central Office, Amar Building, Mumbai. Effective from April 2007, such banks are required to submit a soft copy of the revised Stat 5 and Stat 8 Returns in Microsoft Excel format, by email. A hard copy of the Returns should be sent at the following address. 

The Director,
Reserve Bank of India,
Department of Statistical Analysis & Computer Services (DESACS),
Balance of Payments Statistics Division,
C-9/8, Bandra-Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East),
Mumbai – 400 051.

4. The revised formats of Stat 5 and Stat 8 and the NRD-CSR Version 3.0 Application Software package have been placed on the Reserve Bank's website www.rbi.org.in (under Notification >> FEMA >> Electronic Reporting System). Installation guide and user’s guide for the NRD-CSR version 3.0 are available in the zipped file viz. nrdcsr3p0.zip. The revised formats of Stat 5, Stat 8 and the data structure of NRD-CSR are given in Annex – IAnnex – II and Annex – III, respectively. It may be noted that there is no change in the structure of NRD-CSR format.

5. Co-operative Banks and Regional Rural Banks may submit the hard and soft copies of Stat 5 and Stat 8 Returns, in the revised formats/version, beginning with the data for April 2007, to the Regional Offices of the Foreign Exchange Department, Reserve Bank.

6. The directions contained in this circular have been issued under sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999 (42 of 1999) and is without prejudice to permissions / approvals, if any, required under any other law.

Yours faithfully,

(Salim Gangadharan)
Chief General Manager

Annex- III

[Annex to A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 55 dated May 09, 2007]

Non-Resident Deposits - Comprehensive Single Return:
Format for Electronic Reporting (version 3.0)

Data should be reported in a standard text (ASCII) file with the following format

Format for reporting data by bank head offices to RBI in floppy

Periodicity : Monthly






Bank Code

7 N

1 to 7

Bank Working and rest are zero.

Reporting period [of Stock & flows] (YYYYMM)

6 N

8 to 13

Period of Reporting (YYYYMM)

Actual period of data / flows (YYYYMM) 
[previous to reporting period for back data otherwise same]

6 N

14 to 19

The actual period of the data record. 
YYYY represents the Year and MM 
represents the Month

N.R. D. Scheme code

4 A

20 to 23

Left justified. As per code Box 1

Account Type

1 A


F for Fixed; R for Recurring;

S for Savings; C for Current A/c

Category of Account holder

1 A


I for Individual; S for Student

Original Maturity

1 N


1 to 9 As per code box 2

Remaining Maturity

1 N


1 to 9 As per code box 2

Country (SWIFT code)

2 A

28 to 29

SWIFT Country code

A/c Currency (SWIFT code)

3 A

30 to 32

As per code box 3

Record - type Code

2 A

33 to 34

As per Code Box 4

Record - Amount

15 N

35 to 49

Amount in A/c currency in integer 
(without decimal point).

No of Account

15 N

50 to 64

Number of account for which amount 
has been aggregated


Note : (i) The data should be reported only once. Reporting same data repeatedly will lead to inconsistency since each time data is created using the NRD-CSR package, it creates one more file giving Bank name, address & contact details. 

(ii) In case file is prepared by bank from bank's own system, the details about Bank name, Part I code, postal address, city, pin, name of responsible officer, phone & fax numbers with e-mail id may be reported in the forwarding letter. Further, to ensure accuracy of the format, it is advised that banks should use NRD-CSR 3.0 Head Office module and load data in the Input and get NRD-CS Return in the output after checking the data.


Details of codes used in the NRD-CSR electronic reporting format

Code Box: 1
Non-Resident Deposit Scheme Code

Sr. No.

Account under the Scheme

Scheme Code


Foreign Currency Non-Resident (FCNR) A/c


Non-Resident External (NRE) Rupee Account


Non-Resident (Non-Repatriable) (NRNR) Rupee A/c


Non-Resident Special Rupee (NRSR) Account


Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) Rupee Account



Note : NRNR and NRSR Accounts have been discontinued.


Code Box: 2
Maturity Code

Sr. No.

Maturity Classification



Up to and inclusive of six months



Over six months but less than one year



Exactly one year



Over one year but less than two years



Exactly two years



Over two years but less than three years



Exactly three years



Over three years



Unallocated (Savings/Current/Unclaimed Accounts)


In case of Savings/Current/Unclaimed Deposit Accounts, the residual maturity cannot be determined. 
In such cases, the residual maturity should be treated as unallocated (with code 9).


Code Box: 3
Currency Code

Sr. No.

Currency Name

Currency Code


Australian Dollar



Canadian Dollar






Great Britain Pound



Indian Rupees



Japanese Yen



United States Dollar


Probable currencies acceptable under Non-Resident Deposits during the last few years as per SWIFT Code.


Code Box 4:
Record Type Code


Record Type

Description of data item on the record



Fresh inflow from abroad (total)


High value* amount inflow from abroad (of FI)


Amount of interest reinvested


Amount renewed / transfer from other A/c


Local inflow (for NRO Savings A/c)



Amount of principal remitted abroad (total)


High value* amount of principal remitted to abroad (of PA)


Amount of interest remitted abroad (total)


High value* amount of interest remitted to abroad (of IA)


Amount of principal remitted locally


Amount of interest remitted locally


Local withdrawals (gifts, tax, donations etc.)


Transfers to other A/c including renewals



Opening Balance, including unclaimed


Closing Balance, including unclaimed


Unclaimed Balance


Interest Accrued as on end of Ref. Month


Interest Suspense Balance (Interest Arrears)


Average Interest rate (in terms of Basis Points)



Note : The above codes are to be used for the reporting of data under 
NRD-CSR System to RBI.


The currency-wise cut-off limits of the high value transaction amounts are as below:





Australian Dollar



Canadian Dollar






Great Britain Pound



Indian Rupees



Japanese Yen



United States Dollar



Notification No : A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 19
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