Important Announcement relating to November, 2008 Examinatio

Last updated: 11 September 2008

Important Announcement relating to November, 2008 Examination - (11-09-2008)
No. BOS/Ancmnet/PE-II/227/2008
September 11, 2008
Attention of students is invited to the BOS/Ancmnet/PE-II/2008 dated September 2, 2008, wherein it was notified that the students belonging to Professional Education – II [PE-II] stream and who have already registered for Professional Competence Course [PCC] /who submitted their papers for switching over to PCC have been permitted to appear in the extended PE-II examinations to be held in November, 2008 and May, 2009.
For further information of the students who are covered by the above relaxation, it is clarified that such students who are covered by the announcement dated September 2, 2008 and who have already submitted the examination application forms for Professional Course Examination [PCE] November, 2008 before the prescribed last date viz. September 1, 2008 (September 8, 2008 with late fee) may also submit their requests for permission to appear in the PE-II examination to be held in November, 2008 and May, 2009 to the respective Heads of Regional Offices. The last date for submission of the said requests by the eligible students is extended to September 16, 2008. Requests received after September 16, 2008 will not be considered under any circumstances.
It is also clarified that once requests are submitted to the Heads of concerned Regional Offices, the same can not be withdrawn under any circumstances.
CA. R. Devarajan
Additional Director of Studies (SG)

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