Extension of Due Date for submission of Refund Application in F-501

Last updated: 03 October 2016

 Notice Date : 01 October 2016

Office of the Commissioner of Sales Tax
8th floor, Vikrikar Bhavan,
Mazgaon, Mumbai – 400 010.


No.VAT/AMD-2011/7/Adm-6 Mumbai, dated – 01.10.2016
Trade Circular No. 30T of 2016

Sub: Extension of due date for filling of refund application for the year 2014-15

Ref: Difficulties faced by trade due to technical problems in system of MSTD.

The due date for submission of refund application in Form e-501 ups 51 of MVAT Act, 2002 for the period 2014-15 was 30.09.2016. The facility of uploading e-501 was not available on system from 28.09.2016 to 30.09.2016 resulting into inability to upload the refund application. Representations were received for extension of this date. Considering the difficulties faced by the trade, the due date for submission of refund application in Form e-501 for the year 2014-15 has been extended by 7 days and now the dealer can upload the refund application upto 08.10.2016.

2. Needless to state that no further extension shall be provided.

3. This circular cannot be made use of for legal interpretation of provisions of law, as it is clarificatory in nature. If any member of the trade has any doubt, he may refer the matter to this office for further clarification.

(Rajiv Jalota)
Commissioner of Sales Tax,
Maharashtra State, Mumbai.


Notification No : 30T of 2016
Published in VAT

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