Company's name approved/renewed will be valid for a period of 60 days

Last updated: 20 November 2007







New Delhi, the 16th November, 2007

G.S.R. 720 (E). - In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (a) and

(b) of sub-section (1) of section 642 read with section 610B of the Companies

Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules

to amend the Companies (Central Government’s) General Rules and Forms,

1956, namely: –

1. (1) These rules may be called the Companies (Central Government’s)

General Rules and Forms (Third Amendment) Rules, 2007.

(2) These rules shall came into force with effect from the 19th of

November 2007.

2. In the Companies (Central Government’s) General Rules and Forms,

1956, for rule 4A, the following shall be substituted, namely -

“4-A. (1) The promoters of a company under a proposed name or a

company seeking to change its name may make an application to the

Registrar of Companies of the State in which the registered office of the

proposed company or of the company to be or is situated.

(2) The application shall be in Form 1A and be accompanied by a fee

of rupees five hundred only.


(3) The Registrar shall cause to examine the application as to whether

the changed name or the name with which the proposed company is to be

registered, as the case may be, is undesirable within the meaning of

section 20. In case the name is undesirable, he may reject the same or

ask for resubmission of the application with new names or calls for further

information, ordinarily within three days of receipt of the application:

Provided that the applicants shall be given only upto two

opportunities for re-submission of their proposal against the fee paid in the

first instance for name availability after the original application is filed. In

the event the registrar does not find the proposals so submitted and resubmitted

as fit for approval, he shall reject the application after the

second re-submission. However, the applicant will be at liberty to file fresh

application along with prescribed fee.

(4) Where the Registrar of Companies informs the company or the

promoters of the company that the changed name or the name with which

the proposed company is to be registered, as the case may be, is not

undesirable, such name shall be available for adoption by the said

company or by the said promoters of the company for a period of sixty

days from the date the name is allowed:

Provided that if the name so allowed is not adopted on or before

the expiry of the period of sixty days from the date it is allowed, the

applicant may apply for extension for retention of such name for a further

period of thirty days on payment of fifty per cent of the fee prescribed for

the application at the initial stage:

Also provided that no further extension will be granted after expiry

of ninety days from the date the name is allowed in the first instance. The

name allowed shall lapse after expiry of sixty or ninety days, as the case

may be, from the date it is allowed first:


Provided further that the name allowed by the Registrar before the

date of this notification comes into force, if not adopted, shall lapse after

the expiry of a period of six months from the date on which the name was

initially allowed or renewed. However, in case the name has not been

renewed earlier, the applicant on or before the date of expiry, may apply

for one time extension of such name for a further period of thirty days on

payment of fifty per cent of the fee prescribed for the application at the

initial stage.

[F. No. 2/8/2007-CL.V]

Jitesh Khosla,

Joint Secretary.

Note: The Principal rules were published in the Gazette of India Part II, Section 3, sub-section (i)

vide number G.S.R. 432 dated the 18 th January, 1956 and subsequently amended vide the

following notifications in the Gazette of India:-







1. SRO 2535 1.11.1956

2. SRO 3135 21.12.1956

3. SRO 237 19.1.1957

4. SRO 2105 29.1.1957

5. SRO 3038 28.9.1957

6. SRO 3867 7.12.1957

7. GSR 48 22.2.1958

8. GSR 723 23.8.1958

9. GSR 750 30.8.1958

10. GSR 1026 1.11.1958

11. GSR 14 3.1.1959

12. GSR 548 9.5.1959

13. GSR 1140 17.10.1959

14. GSR 1224 7.11.1959

15. GSR 1364 12.12.1959

16. GSR 220 27.2.1960

17. GSR 595 28.5.1960

18. GSR 195 18.2.1961


19. GSR 814 24.6.1961

20. GSR 1105 9.9.1961

21. GSR 1408 25.11.1961

22. GSR 653 12.5.1962

23. GSR 344 2.3.1963

24. GSR 628 13.4.1963

25. GSR 97 16.1.1965

26. GSR 822 12.6.1965

27. GSR 1570 30.10.1965

28. GSR 368 19.3.1966

29. GSR 421 18.3.1966

30. GSR 499 9.4.1966

31. GSR 743 21.5.1966

32. GSR 847 4.6.1966

33. GSR 1266 13.8.1966

34. GSR 130 20.1.1968

35. GSR 667 30.6.1973

36. GSR 327(E) 10.6.1975

37. GSR 414(E) 16.7.1975

38. GSR 2596 1.11.1975

39. GSR 2828 13.12.1975

40. GSR 154 31.1.1976

41. GSR 248(E) 24.3.1976

42. GSR 627 14.5.1977

43. GSR 24(E) 9.1.1979

44. GSR 1256 6.10.1979

45. GSR 555(E) 4.9.1982

46. GSR 479(E) 22.4.1988

47. GSR 694(E) 10.6.1988

48. GSR 782(E) 13.7.1988

49. GSR 908(E) 7.9.1988

50. GSR 1032(E) 26.10.1988

51. GSR 449 (E) 17.4.1989

52. GSR 510(E) 24.5.1990

53. GSR 795(E) 18.9.1990

54. GSR 289(E) 31.5.1991

55. GSR 614(E) 3.10.1991

56. GSR 754(E) 26.12.1991

57. GSR 312(E) 6.3.1992


58. GSR 353(E) 26.3.1992

59. GSR 484(E) 11.5.1992

60. GSR 581 (E) 27.8.1993

61. GSR 621 (E) 24.9.1993

62. GSR 286(E) 1.3.1994

63. GSR 598(E) 28.7.1994

64. GSR 697(E) 20.9.1994

65. GSR 283(E) 21.3.1995

66. GSR 424(E) 26.5.1995

67. GSR 251(E) 21.6.1996

68. GSR 97(E) 28.2.1997

69. GSR 126(E) 1.3.1997

70. GSR 16(E) 6.1.1999

71. GSR 23(E) 12.1.1999

72. GSR 130(E) 23.2.1999

73. GSR 788(E) 29.11.1999

74. GSR 58(E) 17.1.2000

75. GSR 363 (E) 27.4.2000

76. GSR 638(E) 26.7.2000

77. GSR 836(E) 24.10.2000

78. GSR 24(E) 15.01.2001

79. GSR 35(E) 24.01.2001

80. GSR 51(E) 31.01.2001

81. GSR 96(E) 14.02.2001

82. GSR 330(E) 07.05.2002

83. GSR 5(E) 03.01.2003

84. GSR 479(E) 12.06.2003

85. GSR 580(E) 24.07.2003

86. GSR 56(E) 10-02-2006

87. GSR 555(E) 14-09-2006

88. GSR 399 (E) 30-05-2007

89. GSR 500 (E) 24-07-2007


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