High Level Committee to Review Lead Bank Scheme – Providing Banking Services in every village having population of over 2000
RBI/ 2010-11/ 203
RPCD.CO.LBS.HLC.BC.No. 21 /02.19.10/2010-11
September 16, 2010
CMDs of all SLBC Convenor Banks
Dear Sir,
High Level Committee to Review Lead Bank Scheme –
Providing banking services in every village having population of over 2000
In the Union Budget for 2010-2011 (para 76) presented by the Hon'ble Finance Minister "it has been decided to provide appropriate banking facilities to habitations having population in excess of 2000 by March, 2012".
2. Therefore, in partial modification of para 1 of our circular RPCD.CO. LBS.HLC.BC.No.43 /02.19.10/ 2009-10 dated November 27, 2009 wherein it was advised "to provide banking services through a banking outlet in every village having a population of over 2,000, by March 2011", it is advised that the date of providing banking services through a banking outlet in every village having a population of over 2,000, is revised to March 2012. However, March 2011 may be considered as an intermediate target.
3. Further, it has been observed from the statements submitted by SLBC convenor banks that there is lack of consistency and uniformity in the reported data. In view of the above, it has been decided to modify the format of the statements so as to obtain detailed information about allotted villages and progress in opening banking outlets in the allotted villages. Since all the states/UTs have prepared the Roadmap and completed identification and allotment of unbanked villages having population of more than 2000, the statement giving the Roadmap regarding allotment of villages as at the end of June 2010, should be submitted only once to the respective Regional Offices of Reserve Bank of India latest by 27th September 2010 as per format given in Annex “A”. In exceptional case of any subsequent change in the allotment of villages, the information may be sent to us through respective Regional Office of Reserve Bank of India. The information on Roadmap and opening of opening of bank branches/BCs in unbanked villages should also be published on respective SLBC website.
4. The progress of opening of banking outlets in unbanked villages will be monitored quarterly. Hence SLBC convenor banks are advised to submit the quarterly statement regarding the progress made during the quarter in the respective states/UTs as perAnnex “B”. The report for the Quarter ended June 2010 should reach the respective Regional Offices latest by 27th September 2010. Thereafter, the quarterly progress reports should reach within 20 days of the close of each quarter.
Yours faithfully,
(Deepali Pant Joshi)
Chief General Manager -in- Charge
Encl: 2 sheets
Notification No : RPCD.CO.LBS.HLC.BC.No. 21 /02.19.10/2010-11Published in Others