Payment of Fee for renewal of your Membership for 2015-16

Last updated: 09 April 2015

Payment of Membership Fee/Updation of your membership particulars/ Appeal for contribution to CABF & SVAMF Fund/ICAI’s initiatives for Practicing CAs and Firms

Dear Member,

We take the opportunity to request you to renew your membership with the Institute by remitting the annual membership/certificate of practice fees, which become due for payment on 1st April, 2015 and need to be paid on or before 30th September, 2015. Members, who have already paid advance fee for the earlier years, may please pay the balance fee / difference of the fee payable. It may please be noted that payment of balance fee/difference of fee is a must for renewal of membership / certificate of practice, as the case may be.

You are requested to remit fee using relevant form for payment ‘A’ & ‘A-1’ indicating different scale of fee prescribed for Members of age 60 years and above and those below 60 years. You can also make the online payment at

Further it is requested to confirm changes in your membership particulars, if any, for the purpose of database updation at our end. The database is frequently used for empanelment purpose and other references. Please also provide, if you so desire,  your e-mail id and mobile no. for entry on record as well as on the members’ fee payment challan to enable us to communicate important developments and information instantaneously.

To facilitate compliance with the CPE requirement, members may opt for availing of Unstructured Learning in line with the norms laid down to that effect and hosted on the Institute’s Website. The last date for submission of self-declaration form  for availing CPE Hours credits under unstructured learning activities for Calendar Year 2014 is 31stMay, 2015. 

We also invite you to become a life member of The Chartered Accountants Benevolent Fund (CABF) and The S. Vaidyanath Aiyar Memorial Fund (SVAMF) and earnestly appeal to make voluntary contribution for the noble cause of helping necessitous members and students in distress. 

The Institute has set up an Industry-wise Data bank for the benefit of members and others concerned meant for informing the members regarding industry specific training/ development programs, industry focused publications etc. Members in industry are requested to intimate about the industry in which they are employed so that the data bank could be developed for future use.  Please click here for the indicative segmentation of companies.           

We may further inform you that under the aegis of CABF, the Institute has facilitated a unique Group Term Insurance Scheme (LIC - ICAI Group Term Insurance Scheme) for the members and their spouses giving life coverage for three years on single payment of premium at a very competitive rate. It is strongly recommended to become a member of this Insurance scheme. Various other initiatives taken by the ICAI for its members are also being communicated by ICAI from time to time.

We shall be grateful if you could kindly spare a few minutes to go through the relevant links and use them for making payments and contributions.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

V. Sagar

Acting Secretary

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