MAT benefit denied to company opting for Corporate tax of 22%

Last updated: 03 October 2019

F, No. 142/20/2019-TPL 
Government of India
Ministry of Finance 
Department of Revenue 
Central Board of Direct Taxes 

Circular No: 29/2019
New Delhi. 2nd of October, 2019 

Subject: Clarifications in respect of- option exercised under section 115HAA of the Income-tax Act, 1961 inserted through The Taxation Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019- reg. 

The Taxation laws (Amendment) Ordinance. 2019 (the Ordinance) has been promulgated by the President of India on September 20. 2019, The Ordinance, inter a/ia, inserted a nev.. section I l 5BAA in the 1n come-tax Act, 1961 (the Ac0 with effect from April 1, 2020.

2. Section 11513AA so inserted. inter (dia. provides that,-

(d) a domestic company shall, at its option, pay tax at a lower rate of 22 percent for any previous year relevant to the Assessment Year beginning on or after 1' April 2020. subject to certain conditions, including that the total income should be computed without claiming any deduction or exemption;

(e) the option is required to be exercised by the company before the due date of furnishing return of income: and 

(f)  the option. once exercised, cannot be subsequently withdrawn and shall apply to all subsequent assessment years,

3, The Ordinance also amended section 1115111 of the Act relating to Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) so as to, inter alia, provide that the provisions or said section shall not apply to a person who has exercised the option referred to under newly inserted section 115BAA. 

4. Representations have been received from the stakeholders seeking clarification on following issues relating to exercise of option under section 115BAA:

(a) Alllowability of brought forward loss on account of additional depreciation; and

(b) Allowability of brought forward MAT credit.

4,1 These issues have been examined in the Board and in order to provide clarity in the matter, the clarifications are issued in following paras.

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