Know Your Client (KYC) Norms for PCS

Last updated: 21 June 2012


Client Information as well as due diligence on clients has become a necessity for professionals in today’s complex business scenario. Such an exercise can be made possible in a structured way. Many professional bodies today advise their members to have KYC about their clients so that professionals can freely exercise and deliver their professional services in the best suited way.

However, these norms are recommendatory in nature and every Company Secretary in Practice carrying out attestation function is encouraged to follow them.


Client Information


Name of Entity


CIN / Registration No.


Date of Incorporation / Registration No.


Type of Entity


Business Description


Address of Registered Office


Address of Corporate Office


Address(es) of Branch Office(s)


PAN No. and Name & Address of Income Tax Circle


Email id


Telephone No (s)


Fax No (s)


Banker(s) of the Entity


Major Client customers information


Corporate Structure


Shareholding pattern (with details of holding of more than 25%)


Name of parent company


Name of subsidiaries


Details of Chain holding , if any


Details of associate / JVs


Permissible Business information as per Memorandum of Association


Board Structure/ Organization Structure


Transaction with Business entities in which Directors are interested


Details of Loans and Guarantees

Details of Loans and Guarantees in which director(s) are interested


Creation, modification and satisfaction of charges


FOREX Exposure and overseas borrowings


Payment status of statutory dues and arrears


Name of the CEO ,CFO & Company Secretary


Engagement Information


Details of assignment proposed by the Entity


Proceedings against the company or any of its director


Details of proceedings pending or commenced, etc.


Details of prosecution, if any, pending or commenced or resulting in conviction in the past against the director and /or the company or its parent company or any of its subsidiaries


Details of criminal prosecution, if any, pending or commenced or resulting in conviction in the past against the director


Whether any of the director(s) of the company attracts any of the disqualifications envisaged under Section 274 of the Companies Act, 1956?


Has any director and /or the company or its parent company or any of its subsidiaries at any time been found guilty of violation of rules / regulations / legislative requirements by customs / excise / income tax / foreign exchange / other revenue authorities, if so give particulars


Whether any director at any time has come to adverse notice of a regulator such as SEBI, RBI, IRDA, MCA

( g)

Default in repayment of Public Deposits and unsecured loans debentures, loans from banks , financial institution


Other Information


Details of last IPO/FPO/Rights Issue 


Name, address and CoP No. of Statutory Auditor


Name, address and CoP No. of Secretarial Auditor


Undertaking to be obtained from the client

I confirm that the above information is to the best of our knowledge and belief true and complete. I undertake to keep the PCS informed, as soon as possible, of all event which take place subsequent to his engagement which are relevant to the information provided above.




Signature of client


Remarks (if any)

Min. Annexure to be given:

(a)   Annual Report

(b)   AoA and MoA

(c)    Details of any major tie-up arrangements


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