ICSI postpones all June 2021 CS Exams

Last updated: 06 May 2021


The Institute, with a view to protect the interests of the candidates, their well-being and safety in view of Covid-19 Pandemic situation, has decided that the Examinations for Foundation Programme, Executive Programme (Old and New Syllabus) and Professional Programme (Old and New Syllabus) scheduled to be held from 1st June, 2021 to 10th June, 2021 stand postponed. 

The examination schedule, depending upon the situation of pandemic will be reviewed based on directives/guidelines of the various Government departments issued from time to time and revised time table for the said Examinations will be issued and hosted on the website of the Institute www.icsi.edu in due course of time. A notice of at least 30 days will be given before the start of the Examinations. 

ICSI postpones all June 2021 CS Exams

The candidates are advised to take note of the above. 

Stay Home, Stay Safe !! 

Joint Secretary
4th May, 2021

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