ICSI extends the date of temporary relaxation for Pre-Examination Test and ODOP

Last updated: 25 March 2021

Temporary Relaxation for complying with the requirement of Pre-Examination Test and One Day Orientation Programme for enrollment to June, 2021 session of CS Examinations

As per the guidelines, for enrollment to June 2021 Session of CS Examinations, the students are required to comply with the following requirements:

a) Pre-Examination Test

(Applicable for students of Executive and Professional Programme under 2017 New Syllabus)

b) One Day Orientation Programme (ODOP)

(Applicable for students of Foundation and Executive Programme registered on or after 1st June, 2019)

ICSI extends the date of temporary relaxation for Pre-Examination Test and ODOP

As a special case, temporary relaxation is being extended to the students, to enable them to enroll for June, 2021 Session of CS Examinations by 25th March 2021 (without Late Fees) and by 9th April 2021 (with Late Fees) without checking the status of compliance with the aforesaid requirements. Such relaxation is being allowed subject to the condition that the students shall comply with the requirements of Pre-exam Test & ODOP by 16:00 Hours, 20th April, 2021.

In case the students, enroll for the June, 2021 Examinations by availing temporary relaxation, and are not able to clear the Pre-exam test & ODOP by the stipulated date as mentioned above, Admit Cards for the June 2021 Examination shall NOT be issued and 50% of the Examination Fee paid by them shall be forfeited.

Students are advised to take note of the above and in case of any queries, they may write to the Institute through the Support Portal, http://support.icsi.edu

(A K Srivastava)
Joint Secretary (Student Services)

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