Q 1: When has the New Scheme of Education and Training been launched?
Ans: The New Scheme of Education and Training has been launched on CA Day, i.e. 1st July, 2023.
Q 2: What are the important dates for the implementation of the New Scheme of Education and Training?
Ans: Important dates for the implementation of the New Scheme of Education and Training are given as under:
Q 3: What is the structure of Chartered Accountancy Course under the New Scheme of Education and Training?
Ans: The New Scheme of Education and Training has three levels – Foundation, Intermediate and Final including Self-Paced Online Modules.
Q 4: How to register under the New Scheme of Education and Training?
Ans: Students need to register for Foundation/ Intermediate/ Final level under the New Scheme of Education and Training through Self Service Portal (SSP) at the link
Q 5: Where can we write for any further queries?
Ans: You may write to the Board of Studies (Academic) at for further queries

Q 1: When can I register for Foundation Course?
Ans: Candidates may register in Foundation Course after passing Class 10th Examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or an examination recognized by the Central Government or the State Government as equivalent thereto.
Q 2: What is the fee for Foundation Course?
Ans: Fee for Foundation Course is Rs.9,000/- which is to be paid at the time of registration. This fee is inclusive of Prospectus for CA Course and Study Material of Foundation Course.
Q 3: Where can I get the Prospectus for CA Course and Study Material of Foundation Course?
Ans: After successful registration in the Foundation Course, the student will receive an e-mail bearing the login credentials for ordering the Study Material through Centralized Distribution System (CDS) Portal. Prospectus for CA Course will be delivered to the student along with the Study Material, whenever ordered by the student.
Q 4: When will I get the Study Material of Foundation Course?
Ans: Study Material of Foundation Course will be available on the BoS Knowledge Portal at the link after the launch of the New Scheme of Education and Training on 1st July, 2023. Hard copy of the Study Material will be available for ordering on Centralized Distribution System (CDS) Portal upon confirmation of registration in Foundation Course.
Q 5: I have already registered in Foundation Course after passing Class 10th Examination and presently I am in Class 11. When I will be eligible for Foundation Examination and under which Scheme of Education and Training.
Ans: Your first attempt for Foundation Examination under New Scheme of Education and Training will be in June, 2025 after appearing in Class 12th examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or an examination recognized by the Central Government or the State Government as equivalent thereto.
Q 6: I have already registered in Foundation Course and presently I am in Class 12. When I will be eligible for Foundation Examination and under which Scheme of Education and Training.
Ans: Your first attempt for Foundation Examination under New Scheme of Education and Training will be in June, 2024 after appearing in Class 12th examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or an examination recognized by the Central Government or the State Government as equivalent thereto.
Q 7: When I can register in Foundation Course to become eligible for June/ December Foundation Examination.
Ans: You should be registered in Foundation Course with the Board of Studies of the Institute for a minimum period of four months on or before the 1st day of the month in which the examination is held. For example, you should be registered in Foundation Course on or before 1st February, 2024 for June, 2024 Foundation Examination and on or before 1st August, 2024 for December, 2024 Foundation Examination. Before appearing in the Foundation Examination, you should also have appeared in Class 12th Examination conducted by an examining body constituted by law in India or an examination recognized by the Central Government or the State Government as equivalent thereto.
Q 8. Do I need to fill any separate form for appearing in Foundation Examination?
Ans: After registration in Foundation Course, you need to submit the online examination form for appearing in Foundation Examination. The examination form for June and December examination usually opens in the month of February and August respectively. ICAI makes an announcement when the examination forms open for the forthcoming examination. You are advised to visit the Institute's website for announcements.
Q 9: What are the papers in Foundation Course?
Ans: There are 4 papers in Foundation Course which are as under:
- Paper 1: Accounting (100 marks)
- Paper 2: Business Laws (100 marks)
- Paper 3: Quantitative Aptitude (100 marks)
- Business Mathematics
- Logical Reasoning
- Statistics
- Paper 4: Business Economics (100 marks)
Q 10: What will be the syllabus for Foundation June, 2024 Examination?
Ans: Foundation June, 2024 Examination will have the syllabus of the New Scheme of Education and Training, which is available at the link
Q 11: When are Foundation Examinations held?
Ans: Foundation Examinations are held twice a year in the months of June and December.
Q 12: What is the examination pattern in Foundation Examination?
Ans: Paper 1 & 2 are subjective type and Paper 3 & 4 are objective type.
Q 13: Is there negative marking in Foundation Examination?
Ans: Yes, there is negative marking of 0.25 mark for every wrong answer in objective type papers.
Q 14: What is the passing criteria for Foundation Examination?
Ans: A student is declared to have passed the Foundation examination, if he/she obtains at one sitting a minimum of 40% marks in each paper and a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate of all the papers.
Q 15: What is the validity period of student's registration in the Foundation Course?
Ans: The validity period for registration in the Foundation Course is for 4 years from the first eligible attempt in the Foundation Examination.
Q 16: Whether revalidation of registration is permitted at the Foundation level?
Ans: Revalidation is not permitted at the Foundation level.
To read more in details: Click Here
Also Read: ICAI - Syllabus of New Scheme of Education and Training