Council Affairs/M-626/ 2007 9th August, 2007
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish to inform you that the President, in terms of the authority
given to him by the Council at its 266th meeting held on 5th February,
2007, has constituted a High Powered Committee to examine the matter
relating to leakage of Institute paper for CPT Examiantion held on 5th
August, 2007, in its entirety and based on that make suitable
recommendations for preventive and corrective measures wherever
required. The members of the said High Powered Committee are as follows
1. Shri O.P. Vaish (Convenor), New Delhi [Govt. Nominee]
2. Shri A.K. Awasthi, New Delhi [Govt. Nominee]
3. Shri K.R. Maheshwari, Jaipur [Govt. Nominee]
4. Shri R. Sekar, New Delhi [Govt. Nominee]
5. CA. Abhijit Bandyopadhyay, FCA, Kolkata
6. CA. Sanjeev Maheshwari, FCA, Mumbai
7. CA. S. Santhanakrishnan, FCA, Chennai
8. CA. Vijay Garg, FCA, Jaipur
9. CA. V.C. James, FCA, Kochi
The undersigned will act as the Secretary to the above said Committee.
The Terms of Reference of the Committee would be formulated by the Committee.
The President has requested the Committee to submit its report as early as possible.
This is for your information please.
Yours faithfully,