GSTN: Information from manufacturers of Pan Masal and Tobacco taxpayers

Last updated: 17 May 2024

Information from manufacturers of Pan Masal and Tobacco taxpayers

Government had issued a notification to seek information from taxpayers dealing in the goods mentioned therein vide Notification No. 04/2024 – Central Tax dated 05-01-2024. Two forms have been notified vide this notification namely GST SRM-I and GST SRM-II. The former pertains to registration and disposal of machines while the later asks information on inputs and outputs during a month.

GSTN: Information from manufacturers of Pan Masal and Tobacco taxpayers

To begin with, facility to register the machines have been made available on the GST Portal to file the information in Form GST SRM-I. All taxpayers dealing in the items mentioned in the said notification may use the facility to file the information about machines. Form GST SRM-II will also be made available on the portal shortly.

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