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GST Council Proposal: Gaming Companies Set to Gain from Rs 1 Lakh Crore Retro Tax Waiver

Last updated: 27 June 2024


The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council's recent recommendation to introduce an amendment allowing the government to overrule retrospective tax demands has sparked hope among India's cash-rich real money gaming (RMG) companies. These firms, including Gameskraft, Dream 11, Games 24x7, and Head Digital Works, face a staggering cumulative GST demand of approximately ₹1 lakh crore, largely due to retrospective tax assessments.

GST Council Proposal: Gaming Companies Set to Gain from Rs 1 Lakh Crore Retro Tax Waiver

Key Points

  • Significant Relief Potential: Legal experts and industry insiders believe that if implemented, the amendment could potentially resolve pending indirect tax disputes worth ₹1 lakh crore against RMG firms. This move is seen as a crucial step towards mitigating financial risks for the affected companies.
  • Caution Advised: Despite optimism, senior lawyers caution that while the recommendation is a positive development, its adoption hinges on legislative approval during the upcoming interim budget session. The amendment, if passed, would mark a significant departure from current GST norms, which lacked provisions for overriding retrospective tax demands.
  • Political and Legal Hurdles: The proposal is expected to face rigorous debate in the interim budget session, given the diverse political landscape at the Centre. Stakeholders anticipate robust discussions before any concrete action can be taken to implement the amendment.
  • Ongoing Litigation: Meanwhile, the RMG sector's legal battle against retrospective tax demands continues in the Supreme Court, where approximately 30 parties, including major players like Gameskraft and Head Digital Works, are contesting these tax assessments. The next hearing is scheduled for July 15, highlighting the urgency of legislative and judicial actions in resolving this complex issue.


While the GST council's recommendation offers a glimmer of hope for the RMG sector burdened with retrospective tax liabilities, industry stakeholders remain cautiously optimistic pending further legislative developments. The upcoming budget session will serve as a crucial litmus test for the proposed amendment's fate and its potential impact on India's broader tax policy landscape.

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