1. Pursuant to C&AG’s Report `Performance Audit on Appreciation of Third Party (Chartered Accountants) - Reporting in Assessment Proceedings’ for the year ended March, 2014, the President, in terms of the authority given to him by the Council at its 340th meeting held in February, 2015, had constituted the Group comprising of the following members:
- CA. Sanjiv Kumar Chaudhary, Convenor
- CA. G. Sekar
- CA. Tarun Jamnadas Ghia
- CA. Sumantra Guha
- CA. Anuj Goyal
A Tax Audit monitoring cell has also been formed which is supervised by the aforesaid group.
2. Information has been called from members invoking authority under the relevant provisions of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and Regulations/ Rules framed thereunder.
3. The Group is in dialogue with the offices of CBDT and C&AG seeking requisite details to take appropriate action against the erring members, if any.
4. To maintain a better control over the tax audit assignments undertaken by the Chartered Accountants, the group has, through the Direct Taxes Committee, recommended to the Directorate of Income tax (Systems), changes in the tax audit form/utility to be notified for A.Y. 2015-16 for adherence to ceiling on number of tax audits. The matter is being followed up by the Direct Taxes Committee.
5. In terms of decision of the Council taken in its 339th meeting held from 23rd to 25th December, 2014, the cases being examined are being simultaneously reported to the Disciplinary Directorate, for further appropriate action, within the framework provided in the Chartered Accountants Act and the Misconduct Rules framed thereunder.
CA. Sanjiv Kumar Chaudhary,
Convenor, CAG group