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Gaming Industry Faces Continued Uncertainty Following 53rd GST Council Meeting

Last updated: 24 June 2024

High GST on Gross Gaming Revenue Blamed for Industry Slowdown

The gaming industry is reeling from the recent GST Council meeting, which failed to address its plea for a revised tax structure. Industry stakeholders had proposed a 28% GST on Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR) instead of the current system that taxes the full value of bets placed in online games. This high tax rate is cited as a primary factor behind the industry's slowdown.

Gaming Industry Faces Continued Uncertainty Following 53rd GST Council Meeting

Expert Views: A Major Disappointment

Manish Mishra, a partner at JSA Advocates and Solicitors, expressed his disappointment with the Council's decision. "The industry had high hopes for relief from the excessive tax burden," Mishra noted, emphasizing concerns over retrospective tax demands and the stifling impact on growth and investment.

Investor Flight and Startup Struggles

A recent report by Ernst & Young (EY) and the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) highlights the negative consequences of the current GST regime, which took effect in October 2023. Major global players have withdrawn their investments, significantly impacting the sector.

The report reveals that the tax burden on companies has surged dramatically. Previously, GST accounted for approximately 15.25% of revenue. Now, for 33% of companies, GST consumes between 50% and 100% of their revenue. Startups are particularly hard hit, often finding their tax liabilities exceed their total revenue, forcing many to operate at a loss.

The Broader Economic Context

While the gaming industry grapples with these challenges, the Indian government is aggressively pursuing its goal of becoming a global manufacturing hub. By 2030, the demand for electronics components and sub-assemblies is expected to reach USD 240 billion, paving the way for USD 500 billion in electronics production and the creation of at least 280,000 new jobs by 2026.


The GST Council's decision has left the gaming industry in a state of uncertainty, with significant financial and operational repercussions. As the sector waits for potential policy revisions, the broader economic landscape continues to evolve, highlighting the need for balanced and supportive regulatory frameworks to foster sustainable growth across all industries.

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