FM Budget 2015-2016 Speech

Last updated: 28 February 2015


Speech of ArunJaitley

Minister of Finance

February 28, 2015

Madam Speaker,

I rise to present the Budget of the Union for the year 2015-16.

2. I present this Budget in an economic environment which is far more positive than in the recent past. When other economies are facing serious challenges, India is about to take-off on a faster growth trajectory once again. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has downgraded its earlier forecast of global economic growth by 0.3%, and the World Trade Organization has revised its forecast of world trade growth from 5.3% to 4%. Forecasts for India, however, have either been upgraded, or remained the same, without downgrades. Madam Speaker, we have also embraced the States as equal partners in the process of economic growth. States have been economically empowered more than ever before and it is my belief that every rupee of public expenditure, whether undertaken by the Centre or the States, will contribute to the betterment of people’s lives through job creation, poverty elimination and economic growth.

3. In the last nine months, the NDA Government headed by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has undertaken several significant steps to energise the economy. The credibility of the Indian economy has been re-established. The world is predicting that it is India’s chance to fly. 

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