In a major breakthrough, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has uncovered a complex network of Chartered Accountants (CAs) and hawala operators accused of laundering over Rs 10,000 crore of black money out of India in recent years. Searches conducted on January 2 in Thane, Mumbai, and Varanasi led to the recovery of digital and physical evidence, exposing the intricate modus operandi of the accused.
Key Findings
The prime accused, Jitendra Pandey, allegedly created over 98 shell companies and 269 bank accounts to launder illicit funds. According to the ED, the proceeds of crime were routed through a series of circular transactions before being sent to countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, and Thailand under the pretext of import payments.
The investigation revealed a network of RTGS entry operators who facilitated layering transactions through multiple bank accounts of shell entities. Funds were funnelled into 12 private limited companies, which then made foreign remittances under the guise of freight charges for imports from China.
Interestingly, the shell companies were purportedly involved in the "freight and logistics" business and used this cover to remit large sums of money abroad.
Role of Chartered Accountants
The ED disclosed that several Chartered Accountants played a pivotal role in aiding the accused by incorporating shell companies and managing regulatory compliance, including filings with the Registrar of Companies (ROC).
Background of the Case
The ED's probe is based on an FIR filed by Thane Police against Pandey and others. The accused reportedly made remittances exceeding Rs 10,000 crore to entities in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Thailand, all under the guise of freight payments. Pandey and his accomplices were arrested last year by the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Thane Police.
Next Steps
The ED is expanding its investigation to identify the full network of individuals involved, including the role of professionals who facilitated the operations. With evidence pointing to large-scale tax evasion and money laundering, the agency is likely to initiate further legal proceedings under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
This case highlights the increasing use of sophisticated methods by financial criminals and the crucial role played by professionals in enabling such operations. Authorities are now focused on tightening compliance norms and monitoring suspicious transactions to curb similar frauds in the future.