In a significant breakthrough, the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI), Bhubaneswar Zone, has unearthed a massive GST fraud involving bogus input tax credit (ITC) transactions worth Rs 11 crore. Two individuals, including a trader and a commission agent, were arrested on Thursday for orchestrating the fraudulent scheme.
Key Details of the Fraud
According to officials, the accused used fake invoices and manipulated transactions to claim wrongful ITC, causing substantial losses to the government exchequer.
Role of the Commission Agent:
- The agent was found arranging fake invoices for recipients in exchange for a share of the proceeds.
- He played a pivotal role in facilitating fake transactions to enable illegal ITC claims.
Role of the Trader:
- The trader availed excessive ITC without any actual receipt of goods.
- This fraudulent activity further compounded the loss to the exchequer.
Arrests and Investigation
The identity of the accused has been withheld to aid the ongoing investigation and apprehend their associates. Sources suggest that further arrests are likely as authorities delve deeper into the network of bogus transactions and linked entities.
Impact on the Exchequer
The fraudulent activities have resulted in a loss of Rs 11 crore, a stark reminder of the challenges the government faces in tackling ITC-related malpractices. The crackdown by the DGGI is expected to act as a deterrent to similar frauds in the region.
Significance of the Crackdown
This operation highlights the government’s commitment to curbing GST fraud and ensuring compliance. Input Tax Credit frauds have been a major concern, and stringent action against offenders is crucial to safeguarding revenue and maintaining the integrity of the GST system.
Further Actions
Officials confirmed that investigations are underway to:
- Trace the remaining individuals involved in the racket.
- Identify other entities linked to these illegal transactions.
- Recover the defrauded amount to mitigate losses to the exchequer.
Final Thoughts
The arrests by the DGGI Bhubaneswar Zone underscore the government’s vigilance in tackling tax fraud and ensuring the effective implementation of GST. As investigations continue, more revelations are expected, shedding light on the extent of ITC malpractices in the region.