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Complete Union Budget Speech 2019 by FM Nirmala Sitharaman

Last updated: 05 July 2019

Budget 2019-2020

Speech of Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Finance
July 5, 2019

Mr. Speaker Sir,

I rise to present the Budget for the year 2019-20.


2. The recent election which brought us to this august House today, was charged with brimming hope and desire for a bright and stable New India. Like never before, India celebrated its democracy by coming out to vote in large numbers, like never before. Voter turnout was the highest at 67.9%. Every section – young, old, first time voters, voters since the first General Election, women – all turned up to stamp their approval of a performing Government. Through their unambiguous and firm mandate they have reaffirmed “putting the nation first”. The people of India have validated the two goals for our country’s future: that of national society and economic growth.

3. The first term of Hon'ble PM Narendra Modi-led-NDA-Government stood out as a performing Government, a Government whose signature was in the last mile delivery. Between 2014-19, we provided a rejuvenated Centre-State dynamic, cooperative federalism, GST Council, and a strident commitment to fiscal discipline. We had set the ball rolling for a New India, planned and assisted by the NITI Aayog, a broad based think tank. We have showed by our deeds that the principle “Reform, Perform, Transform” can succeed.

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