CBIC advises ECL users on PAN merger with ICEGATE ID

Last updated: 30 May 2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs ("CBIC"), the Directorate General of Systems and Data Management has issued an Advisory dated May 26, 2023 to all ECL users for PAN merger with ICEGATE ID on ICEGATE.

Account merger functionality has made live at ICEGATE if the duty payment was initiated using PAN and due to any reason Payment Integration failed and amount transmitted to PAN based wallet. User can now request to transfer amounts from PAN based wallet to the associated IEC ICEGATE ID based wallet.

a) User will go to www.icegate.gov.in and click on old website.

CBIC advises ECL users on PAN merger with ICEGATE ID

b) On clicking on old website user will be directed to old.icegate.gov.in and scroll down on the page.

c) User will click on 'User Login/SignUp' box under 'Our Services' on the homepage.

d) User will fill the login details and click on Submit.

e) Once login is successful, user will be directed to 'Welcome to ICEGATE' page.

f) After clicking on Financial Services, Electronic Cash Ledger option will be available as displayed below.

g) Once user clicks on Electronic Cash Ledger, he/she will be navigated to E-Cash Ledger dashboard where Wallet Merger button will be available on screen.

h) Once user clicks on Wallet Merger, the user needs to fill the below details:

a. PAN Number from which amount will be transferred to current account.
b. Confirm PAN number
c. Amount to be transfer

i) User will accept the declaration by selecting on the checkbox mentioned in the form.

j) Once the form is submitted successfully, the request number will be generated.

k) Amount will be transferred within 24 hours from the PAN based Source wallet to ICEGATE ID/IEC based Destination wallet.

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