Vinod Rai Re-Elected Chairman of United Nations' Panel of External Auditors
The United Nations’ Panel of External Auditors which comprises Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) engaged in auditing United Nations, its specialised agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, held its 53rd meeting which concluded last night at the UN Headquarters in New York. Shri Vinod Rai, the CAG of India, who is current Chairman of the panel, met the Secretary General, Mr Ban Ki Moon along with the Heads of the participating SAIs and briefed him on the decisions of the Panel's meeting regarding conduct of audit of the United Nations and related organisations. The Secretary General appreciated the Panel of External Auditors and the yeoman service rendered by the external auditors in improving governance in the United Nations system.
The Panel headed by Shri Vinod Rai also discussed the major business transformations currently underway in the United Nations with the Secretary General. Some of the major issues that came up for discussion during the meeting were:
• The requirement for optimising the process of deriving benefits from the business transformations currently underway
• The need to put in place a mechanism to govern voluntary contributions which form a major portion of funding that the UN receives
• The need for strengthening coordination between the Panel and the UN Secretariat
Shri Vinod Rai, the C&AG of India, has been re-elected Chair of the Panel for the year 2013.Mr Amyas Morse, the C&AG of the United Kingdom has been re-elected the vice-chair of the Panel.
The Panel of External Auditors plays an important role in promoting accountability and strengthening governance mechanisms in the UN organisations. The Panel meets annually to discuss emergent issues in the audit of UN organisations. At present, the Panel comprises Canada, China, France, India, Italy, Pakistan, Philippines, Switzerland, Tanzania and the United Kingdom with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India as the current Chair of the Panel.