I am happy to share with you some significant developments concerning profession and important decisions taken by the Council at its 342nd meeting held on 15th, 16th April 2015 and on 4th and 5th May 2015 after adjournment.
ANNOUNCEMENT EXTENSION OF GENERAL AMNESTY SCHEME FOR RETROSPECTIVE RESTORATION OF MEMBERSHIP (ONE TIME DISPENSATION) DATE: 05.05.2015 With a view to mitigate the hardships being faced by members whose names stand removed as on date due to non-payment
Last date for provisional empanelment status of Chartered Accountants firms/LLPs with the O/o C&AG for the year 2015-16 is 6th May, 2015. - (05-05-2015) The Provisional Panel of Chartered Accountant
ICAI has a strong disciplinary mechanism wherein proceedings are initiated and taken to their logical end through a well-defined procedure which maintains the interests of natural justice while ensuring that the guilty are never spared.
As you are aware, for promoting a sense of bonhomie among members, and also for bringing them closer to the Institute, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India organize Convocations for distribution of Certificates. This is an occasion to mark
As part of ICAI’s continuous drive to uphold the credibility, integrity and image of the accountancy profession in India, the regulatory mechanism of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is working assiduously. ICAI has been t
Payment of Membership Fee/Updation of your membership particulars/ Appeal for contribution to CABF & SVAMF Fund/ICAIs initiatives for Practicing CAs and Firms Dear Member, We take the opportunity to request you to renew your membership wit
Resource optimisation is one of effective ways to accomplish the goals of the government and industry in strategic planning.
The great Indian philosopher Sri Aurobindo believed in the purposefulness of evolution-life has evolved from matter and then mind has from life. We have been evolving for ages by responding to our respective environments.
CIMA (The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) and ICAI (The Institute of Cost Accountants of India) have signed a historic MoU to allow proven ICAI members to fast-track in qualifying for the globally recognized and prestigious Chartered G
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Survey, Search and Seizure under Income Tax Act 1961