ICAI proposal to least developed countries for developing their accounting profession

Last updated: 04 November 2015

Aiding transition and emerging economies, ICAI has been advocating the need for creating a sustainable framework of accounting in countries lacking accounting Infrastructure/where accountancy profession is evolving for creating a cadre of accounting professional who are able to support the evolution of Industry by propagating and putting in place a compliance regime and sound framework for reporting practices.

A very strong role is played by accountancy institutes in economic growth of countries and in capacity building. It is important to have a well developed accounting institute which would help in developing competent accounting professionals and in promoting strong professional and ethical standards. 

ICAI’s endeavor is to help Least Developing Countries (LDC’s) to establish Accounting Institute in those economies where the same does not exist and in further strengthening the accounting infrastructures in those countries where the same exists. ICAI proposes to undertake off- site and if required on-site study of the accounting profession in the relevant LDC in order to design its methodology and approach to carry forward the overall project. 

For further details, please contact:
Secretariat of the International Affairs Committee,
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, 
ICAI Bhawan, PB No. 7100, Indraprastha Marg, 
New Delhi – 110 002, India. 
Ph +91 11 30110443,448, 39893989 (Extn. 443,448), 
E Mail : ia@icai.inrakeshsehgal@icai.in 

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