The profile “Adrian Dittmann” on X is widely believed to be a fake account for Elon Musk. If “Adrian Dittman” is indeed Elon Musk, this tweet stands as one of the saddest of all time. Despite his wealth and power, it seems he’s still seeking validation.
According to Alastair McAlpine, he participated in a Twitter Spaces event and heard the voice of Adrian Dittmann, which sounded like Elon Musk’s voice modified using modulation software. But what is the real truth? Below is my take on this.
Adrian Dittmann and Elon Musk
Last year, I joined some of Adrian Dittmann’s Twitter Spaces, where he was encouraging people to jump on Elon Musk’s tweets as soon as they were posted to boost reach and engagement.
It was clear that Adrian is not Elon Musk, but he often made deliberate “slips” in his conversations to spark controversy and grab attention. These slips seem to be designed to make people think he’s Musk, but there’s no real evidence to support that claim.
Adrian and Elon have been in the same spaces several times, but they’re definitely not the same person. Adrian is using this to get followers, views, and attention—something you’d see if you did a little research.
A year ago, Adrian had under 20k followers, and he was actively encouraging his audience to engage with his posts and try to get Musk into his live rooms.
If you really believe Adrian is Elon, you’re probably not looking closely enough at the facts. The whole idea that they’re the same person falls apart when you take a deeper look, and anyone spreading that lie is clearly ignoring the truth.