•Equity research(3 positions)[UBS SECURITIES INDIA PVT.LTD.]
Primary job description includes assisting a senior analyst in (a) building/updating financial models (b) collecting & analyzing industry data (c) meeting senior management in companies (d) report writing – company updates + initiations + visit notes e) interacting with UBS analysts globally to get industry/competitor insights. The profile will offer a sharp learning curve on taking stock calls and an opportunity to work with the top Institution Investor survey rated India mid-cap team.
•Risk Control(1 position)[UBS AG]
Primary job description includes assisting senior credit officer in (a) monitoring financial performance of Companies across diverse sector and (b) assigning credit rating and completing credit due diligence exercise relating to sanction of credit limits (c) assisting in industry analysis (across diverse industries) and (d) gaining insights into sanctioning of credit limits across Banks and Corporates.
0 Years
Rs.150,000/- to Rs.300,000/-p.a.