Your Views on FDI in Retail ...

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CA Muthukrishnan Hariharan (Partner) (36 Points)
Replied 16 September 2012

The FDI in retail trade is very useful and use-friendly only to population who have a large Income, who can have a 'method to acquire essentials' at a regular periods. The facility will work well with in the cities only, the population will have only 'work and earn' but in India the development of areas very slow, the administration have no time to concentrate but to follow GREEDY POLITICAN!!. More over the most of population make a living  by small-time-hand-produce, and selling in local market , wich is un-organised!!

So the Forign Direct Investment in retail trade will take away the work of small time workers, as FDI RETAIL will sell mostly branded variety of products. First they may start with the local-hand  made, but the long run none will care to regulate the plight of locals!! The plight of Weaving Sector now in misery state as Power looms takes over.. Khadhi is dead now!!

The FDI in reial should be allowed to cities only, where population is more than 2 CRS. No Brnanches should be permited outside the coprporation limits!!

Let the most of the population live as they like.. as the Govt. has not made any effort to solve the problem of Agriculture, Water , Power and equal education to all as well Health.


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CA Twinkle (Chartered Accountant) (65 Points)
Replied 16 September 2012

Hope its not going to "REPEAT HISTORY" of india...  (how east india grown!!)
how much is the contribution of foreign cos in our business...??? Isn't it harmful n now they are allowing 51%????



All other views are also accepted bt DISADV>ADV....

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amola (CA FINAL STUDENT) (159 Points)
Replied 17 September 2012

aisa lagta hai east india company ka zamana wapis ane wala hai hmari puri arthvyavastha hum kisi or ke haatho me de rhe hai .............. i am not aganist the bold decisions of the govt.  agr ek bar govt. fdi ko allow kar deti hai to dubara ise wapis lene ka decision lena bahut ddifficult ho jayega coz tb india par international pressure ban jayega ki wo fdi ko wapas na le.................

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amola (CA FINAL STUDENT) (159 Points)
Replied 17 September 2012

initially fdi decision taken by govt. is looking profitable what will happen when they will start controlling our economy and will compell us to buy same things at higher prices at that time we will be lft with no other option as at that time they will be the sole traders present in the market.

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Aditya Soni (CS Final Student Trainee)   (727 Points)
Replied 17 September 2012

Originally posted by : amola

initially fdi decision taken by govt. is looking profitable what will happen when they will start controlling our economy and will compell us to buy same things at higher prices at that time we will be lft with no other option as at that time they will be the sole traders present in the market.

Dear Amola,

I think you are talking about the time, when we were not at all advanced and develped.

Now, our country has become strong enough to restrict them.. and we are not so careless to let them do whatever they want.

and dear Twinkle,

This is India, one of the fastest growing economy. We love to see the dreams of being developed nation but when our Government is taking any step towards this, we say this East India Company stuff?

I don't say that we should not consider both aspects, but we should also try to look into the complete matter and then give our views.




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Sridhar (Sr Business Development Manager)   (31 Points)
Replied 17 September 2012

I  cant understand y ppl r so excited with this, huge money in the form profits r set to drain from India. If corporate Retail stores r required to the development of the country, we already have such type of stores in India, like pantaloons. If even big network is required we can just invest from our own sources. There r a large number of people in each town who keep their money in old reregirators, washing machines and gunnibags, I wish these funds to be brought in to the circulation for better development of the country.

All u need is investment in Retail. what matters if it is from Domestic sources???

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Sridhar (Sr Business Development Manager)   (31 Points)
Replied 17 September 2012

I  cant understand y ppl r so excited with this, huge money in the form of profits r set to be drained from India. If corporate Retail stores r required to the development of the country, we already have such type of stores in India, like pantaloons. If even big network is required we can just invest from our own sources. There r a large number of people in each town who keep their money in old refregirators, washing machines and gunnibags, I wish these funds to be brought in to the circulation for better development of the country.

All u need is investment in Retail. what matters if it is from Domestic sources???

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Gkumar (project manager) (72 Points)
Replied 17 September 2012

I completely agree with positive comments about. FDI in retail WILL NOT EFFECT KIRANA STORES NOT EVEN IN IMMEDIATE VICINITY. I  always shop kirana store next to Food Bazaar for fresh vegetables and when I am in hurry. The kirana stores next to Food Bazaar in Pune are flourshing. Consumer base in India is so large that there will be enough consumer for all segments of retail market.

Please send you comments to MAMTA BANERJEE , CPM AND BJP, who always block every constructive moves from UPA-- not to defend UPA who are asleep at the wheel.

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Gkumar (project manager) (72 Points)
Replied 17 September 2012

Repy to Mr Sridhar

This concept that MNC's drain the country wealth is what happened in first 50 years of our independence and gave us meagre growth. In 1953, GM from USA made a plea to our govt to enter India. Tata, Birla (for monopolistic reason) and gandhian socialists bock the move on same grounds you are expounded today. Today, million of children of those same people are employed by global auto industry, we have unlimited car choices, car are built to world standards, Birla is out of auto business, Tata has transformed itself and India even dreams of becoming economic power.

The status quo naysayers forget that that if we did not embrace, we will stay in horse and buggy days. Profits are nevr taken away, in a free economy, money of whole world circulates providing employment and taxes.

Mr. Giridhar why is USA not afraid to let anybody take dollars away. It is a world currency. The more dollars leave USA, the harder US companies work to share and profit from offshore dollars. mr Giridhar, we are no less than Americans, given a open playing field we can float the rupee on worls scene and defend it and provide employment to corores of impovershed Indians. The economic pie  with in India is not big enough to raise the standard of living of all Indians. We need to globalize. We will learn a lot from Walmarts of the world. Benefits will outweigh and drawbacks if any.

Mahindra, Tata  and Bajaj toady are better competing with MNC's.


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Neha sharma (-) (1257 Points)
Replied 19 September 2012

FDI will give a great boost to the Struggling Indian Economy

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fdi is not good for contry like india as india doesnt have infrastuctre like china and they only sale their own product and it will create job only for marketing pepole only 

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CA Pooja Agarwal (Chartered Accountant) (3228 Points)
Replied 21 September 2012

well i think this decision is completely in the interest of the country,,its a welcome move by our political stalwarts considered in long term perspeective..india cannot grow until it liberalises its policy and we have already seen what the effect of manmohan singh's LPG policy has bought india to a new foothold..finally the congressmen seem to have woken up from long  goes to p.chindambaram..he is a great visionary..hopes for more such moves by the Govt.

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CA Twinkle (Chartered Accountant) (65 Points)
Replied 21 September 2012

Is it international pressure of countries like america etc.... so that they can grow their co like wall mart here??
Why so govt so easily accepted inspite of knowing the development of india??
Can't we grow ourself???

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CA Pooja Agarwal (Chartered Accountant) (3228 Points)
Replied 21 September 2012

@ twinkle - no country can ever grow in it india or be it USA..why are we people so conservative..we should invete new ideas,technologies,vew business models..these pose no threat to big country like India nymore

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