You'll Have Hostility To Face

^^^ AJIT ^^^ (SERVICE & CS [CONTD.]) (1454 Points)

08 December 2008  

You will have hostility to face!


You can’t make real success without making real enemies.

You can’t hold a strong position without strong and continued opposition.

You can’t seem right to any if you don’t seem wrong to many.


The greater you are, the greater the penalty of your progress.

The further you go, the wider your range, the more you increase the points

of contact with you which you must reckon and therefore you multiply your

battles against misconception and slander and envy and malice.


In every sphere men gibe and sneer even the peace of the ditch-digger is

threatened by the unemployed labourer who covets his job.


So long as you aspire, others will conspire;

So long as you try, others will vie.

You will have hostility to face in every place and at every pace.

Go straight ahead to your goal.

So long as your conscience isn’t ashamed to acknowledge you as a friend,

Don’t give a rap for your enemies.