You might have heard about the new facility available - inspection of evaluated answer books by examinee or availing certified copy of answer book - from nov '11 examinations for all the courses of ICAI. Some relevant points are as under:
1. It applies to providing answer books relating to November 2011 examinations and onwards only.
2.This facility is independent of the existing facility of verification of marks.
3. Applications within 75 days(90 days with late fee) from the date of declaration of results with the applicable fee.
4. The fee structure is as follows:
A. For inspection of evaluated answer books:
For Final, PCE, IPCE/ATE/Units Rs 100/- per paper (Rs 200/- per paper)
For CPT and ISA AT Rs200/- flat Rs 400/- flat
For Post qualification courses DIRM, ITL & WTO,MAC/TMC/CMC Rs 300/- per paper (Rs 600/- per paper)
B. For supply of certified copies of evaluated answer books:
For Final, PCE, IPCE/ATE/Units Rs 200/- per paper (Rs 400/- per paper)
For CPT and ISA AT Rs200/- flat Rs 400/- flat
For Post qualification courses DIRM, ITL & WTO, MAC/TMC/CMC (Rs 300/- per paper Rs 600/- per paper)
5. Inspection of evaluated answer books will be provided, generally, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application by ICAI.
6. Certified copies of evaluated answer books will be sent to the examinees by Registered/Speed Post, generally, within a period of 21 days from the receipt of the application by ICAI.
7. The examinee will be advised in writing, the date and time at which he/she can inspect his/her evaluated answer books. They will be required to come for inspection at the appointed date and time only and request for change of date/time will generally not be permitted.
8. Inspection of evaluated answer books will be given only at the ICAI’s office at NOIDA, at the following address, on working days at the appointed date and time. Inspection of the answer books shall not be allowed at any other location of the Institute’s offices.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan
A-29, Sector 62,
Dist. Gautam Buddh Nagar (U.P)
NOIDA 201309
9. The examinee will be permitted carry the relevant question paper and also note down question-wise marks secured by him/her, on a sheet of paper with pencil supplied by the Institute.
10. Certified copies of the same set of evaluated answer books will be provided only once.