You are the creator of your own destiny

CA Pallav Singhania (IT System Auditor) (33362 Points)

30 March 2012  

When you think won 50% battle instantly!!!!!!!!!!!!!





The person who always smiles & says I'm the one who is broken at heart but still strong enough to believe that at the end everything is going to be fine ....





When a caterpilar thinks...its the end of turns to a Beautiful Butterfly....

There always better things waiting to be revealed...only if you believe in...





There is always a scope for improvement...even when you score 10 out of 10...






No one can Enrich himself on the Expense of other....

You came to this world lonely and you have to return in the same way.....







In order to be free in life, we must learn how to let go of the past. Release the hurt,

release the fear, and refuse to entertain your old pain.

The energy it takes to hang onto the past is what is holding you back from your awesome 







You are the Creator of your Own Destiny.....

Create Wisely.......






First Trust yourself....

Then try to trust Others...

Even the Devil was once an Angel!!!!!!!!!






The blind wishes: to see the world..
The deaf wishes: to hear sounds..
The mute wishes: to talk few words..
The handicapped wishes: to walk few steps..
And YOU…√ see √ hear √ talk √ walk
So, say Thanks to GOD ….:)
GOD LOVES YOU...•.¸. ¸¸.•*❤
♥ ✿ •*¨`*•.♥



Always believe that...Everyday is the best day of our life....!!!




Aryan Singhania